Scientific Advisory Board
The MIMS Scientific Advisory Board is composed of international experts who advise the leadership and evaluate MIMS at regular intervals. It is appointed by the MIMS Executive Board, and its reports are also made available to the university and the steering group of the Nordic EMBL Partnership.

Members of the MIMS Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) in Umeå, 2022. From left to right: Oliver Billker (MIMS Director), Geoffrey L. Smith (SAB member), Anna Överby Wernstedt (MIMS Deputy Director), Zamin Iqbal (SAB member), José R. Penadés (SAB chair), Christine Clayton (SAB member).
Members of the MIMS Scientific Advisory Board
José R. Penadés
Chair of the Board
Imperial College London
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Infectious Disease
Director MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection
Expertise: Bacterial infections
Carmen Bushrieser
Member of the Board
Institut Pasteur
Genomes and Genetics, Unit Biology
Head of “Biologie des Bacteries Intracellulaires”
Expertise: Bacterial pathogens
Christine Clayton
Member of the Board
Heidelberg University
Center for Molecular Biology (ZMBH)
Professor and Research Group Leader
Expertise: Eukaryotic pathogens
Zamin Iqbal
Member of the Board
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
Research Group Leader
Expertise: Computational biology
Geoffrey L. Smith
Member of the Board
University of Oxford
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology
Research Group Leader
Expertise: Viruses
Latest update: 2024-08-22 Page editor: Nora Lehotai