At the beginning of February, SciLifeLab, together with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), invited the infection biology community to a conference at SciLifeLab’s northernmost site in Umeå.
The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden
MIMS is the Swedish partner in the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine

Calls open, apply now!
MIMS Group Leader in Molecular Infection Medicine
The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden; MIMS, is looking for an excellent young researcher to become Group Leader for innovative research in molecular infection medicine. The topic includes but is not limited to research on the biology of bacteria, viruses, parasites and the microbiome and how these interact with the immune system of the host. MIMS has a strong track record of research into microbial (including viral) pathogenesis, and provides excellent access to national research infrastructure, including cutting edge cryo-electron microscopy and animal biosafety level 3 (ABSL3) facility. All areas in basic molecular infection medicine research are welcome!
We offer an attractive Group Leader package based on the EMBL Group Leader model with long-term funding for up to 9 years. MIMS is the Swedish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine.
Application period extended until: 31 March 2025. Find full description and apply here.
Group Leader in DDLS Epidemiology and Biology of Infection
Together with The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) and the SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS), Umeå University is looking for an excellent young life science or computational researcher to become Group Leader. Fellowships are targeted towards applicants to start their first independent group within a few years of their PhD. We offer generous funding for up to 9 years, conditional upon favorable review after four years.
Data-driven epidemiology and biology of infection covers research that will transform our understanding of pathogens, their interactions with hosts and the environment, and how they are transmitted through populations. Research will have a strong focus on computational analysis or predictive modeling of pathogen biology or host-microbe systems for which multidimensional, genome scale experimental data are now available, or it may use population scale genetic, clinical, or public health data from pathogen surveillance efforts and biobanks.
Application period closes: 11 May 2025. Find full description and apply here.
MIMS Clinical Research Fellowships 2025
MIMS Clinical Research Fellowships provide early-career clinicians with an opportunity to develop a research project in the broad area of infection medicine in collaboration with a basic researcher. The fellowship gives guaranteed research time equivalent to 50% over 2 years at the fellow’s institution paid by MIMS, and salary for a postdoctoral researcher for two years and associated research costs.
Application period closes: 11 April 2025. Find full description and apply here.
PhD Student and Postdoctoral Researcher Positions and Fellowships
Several open postdoctoral positions and fellowships are available in the field of molecular medicine at MIMS and across the nodes of the Nordic EMBL Partnership. Also the NORPOD collaborative postdoctoral programme welcomes applications for cross-node research projects.
Find the list of all open calls here.

The infection biology community gathered in Umeå to find synergies for the future

2024 MIMS Clinical Research Fellowships awarded
MIMS awarded the 2024 Clinical Research Fellowships to Vanja Lunberg Wiraeus at Gothenburg University and Anne Tuiskunen Bäck at Umeå University.

Groundbreaking malaria research could save millions of lives
Every minute a child dies of malaria somewhere in the world. This is a statistic that Professor Oliver Billker, MIMS Director, Umeå University, is determined to change. As a Wallenberg Scholar, he is heading a groundbreaking research project on the malaria parasite and its complex interaction with the mosquitoes that spread it.
Discovery at Umeå University awarded 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

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