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Access to electronic resources

As a student or employee at Umeå University, you can access the library’s databases, e-books and electronic journals no matter where you are. Here, you can read about different ways to access our electronic resources. Members of the general public are welcome to visit the library to access the e-resources via our computers.

Full access via the library search tool

Log in to the library search tool to find and gain access to all our e-resources. Use your Umu-id to log in.

Once you have logged in to the library search tool, you have access to 

  • all our electronic resources
  • login details to databases that require a special login
  • full search results when using the search tool. 

Get direct access with Open Athens

Open Athens allows easy login with your Umu-id to access many databases and other e-resources directly. The login may look different, but look for the following prompts or symbols on the e-resources' platforms:

  • ‘sign in via your institution’ or similar wording
  • the words Open Athens or ‘seamless access’
  • an icon that directs you to a login page.

In the next step, search for ‘Umeå University (OpenAthens)’ and log in with your Umu-id. The login is often automatic, as your browser recognises if you are already logged in with your Umu-id elsewhere (for example, the library search tool or Canvas).

What is Open Athens?

Open Athens is a single-sign-on (SSO) service that makes it easier and more secure to identify yourself for access to articles, databases and e-books provided by the library. Only a fully pseudonymised username is passed on to Open Athens, so you can be sure that your personal data is not disclosed to external organisations.

The library search tool also uses Open Athens to give you access to e-resources. However, if you are already logged into the search tool, you will rarely notice this.

Connect multiple accounts

You can create personalised accounts in some databases or platforms, such as Ebsco Host and Clinical Key. The accounts can function differently, but sometimes you can save searches or articles, for example. To avoid managing multiple logins, you can often connect these accounts to your Open Athens login. Then, you only need to log in with your Umu-id to access both the e-resources and your personal accounts.

Other ways to get access

Access via the university network

When you are connected to the internet via the university network, you automatically gain access to most of the library’s e-resources. There are two WiFi networks on campus: Eduroam and Umu wlan. The library's computers and computers in offices on campus are also connected to the university network.

Campus WiFi

VPN – just like the office but at home

Employees at Umeå University can use VPN (virtual private network) to access university services from home or remotely. When using VPN you will automatically be able to access most of the library’s e-resources, just like when you are sitting in an office on campus.

Virtual Private Network, VPN (Aktum)

Libkey Nomad – a browser extension for easier access

Libkey Nomad is a free extension for your computer's browser. It gives you easy access to articles available through the library without using the library search tool.

Good to know about Libkey Nomad:

  • Libkey Nomad also gives you direct access to many of the library's e-books.
  • Currently, Libkey Nomad is not exhaustive, meaning sometimes you still need to use the library's search tool to access materials.
  • Libkey Nomad does not work on mobile devices.

How Libkey Nomad works

The Libkey Nomad extension searches for the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of articles on websites you visit, such as PubMed, Web of Science and Wikipedia. If you have chosen Umeå University as your organisation, the extension checks the article's DOI against the library's e-resources.

If the library has access to an article, an icon will appear next to the article link or in the corner of the browser. Click on the icon to go directly to the article. If you are not logged in with your Umu-id, you will first reach a login page.

Video: Libkey Nomad

See how to use and install the Libkey Nomad extension.

How to install the extension

Starting from the browser you are using, download the Libkey Nomad extension. Follow the instructions and select Umeå University as your organisation. Here, you will find links for download and a film showing the installation process:

Get Libkey Nomad now

The general public may gain access via the library’s computers

Using the library’s computers will give you access to almost all of our electronic resources. This is the only way to gain access if you

  • have no Umu-id (if you are not a student or an employee at Umeå University)
  • do not have access to the wireless network Eduroam via another institution.
Latest update: 2024-10-15