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Harvard - references in text

The Harvard style is a system of referencing in which a text's citations are placed in parentheses. Here you will find explanations and examples of how to structure references according to Harvard.

The examples on this page are based on Umeå University Library's version of the Harvard style.

References in parentheses

When you refer to other people's theories in your academic text, you must clearly state the sources you have used. A citation is a reference to an article, book, report or other sources in the body of the text.

According to the Harvard style, in-text references to sources are placed in parentheses. There are different ways to do this. In our variant, the reference consists of the author's surname followed by the year of publication and page number.

At the end of your document, you collect all the sources you have used in an alphabetical reference list.

References in two different ways

In Harvard, there are two ways to cite a source, depending on whether you mention the author's name in the text.

Author (year of publication, page number)

When summarising a text or theory, you can mention the author of the source in your text. In this case, include the year of publication and page number in the parentheses directly after the author's name.


According to Alvehus (2019, p. 66), departments often have their own writing instructions for how to write references.

(Author year of publication, page number)

When summarising a text or theory without mentioning the author, include the author's surname, year of publication and page number in the parentheses. Place the parentheses directly after the sentences where you use the source, but before the full stop.


There are several reasons why citing sources is so important in academia. One of them is to show where the facts come from so that the reader can check the information and thus also assess its credibility (Alvehus 2019, pp. 64-65).

Examples for different types of sources

One or several authors

Source with one author


The structure of the European Union is often described in the shape of three pillars. The first pillar is the largest (Tallberg 2004, p. 65).


Tallberg (2004, p. 65) describes the structure of the European Union in the shape of three pillars, of which the first pillar is the largest.

Source with two or three authors


(Fossum, Skantz & Katzeff 1997, pp. 25-31).


Fossum, Skantz and Katzeff (1997, pp. 25-31) mean...

Source with four or more authors

If there are more than three authors, cite only the first author's surname followed by "et al". 


(Johnson et al. 2001, p. 226).


Johnson et al. (2001, p. 226) found that...

Book chapters

For the in-text reference, include the surname(s) of the author(s) of the book chapter, year of publication and pages number(s). 

The reference list should provide information that the source is a chapter in a book.

Sources that lack some information

Material with no personal author

Some sources do not have a personal author. In such cases, corporate authors (organisations, companies, and authorities etc.) will function as “authors”. If a journal article lacks a personal author, use the title of the journal as an in-text reference.


(Frankfurter Allgemeine 2015, p. 21).

No year of publication available

If there is no information about the year of publication, indicate as "n.d." (no date).


(Johnson n.d., p. 15).

Sources without page numbers

If books, journal articles or reports do not have page numbers, state the chapter/headline and paragraph instead. For guidance on how to cite web pages lacking page numbers, see the instructions for web pages.

The in-text reference example below refers to paragraph 3 in the “Introduction” chapter in the book by Smith published in 2018.


(Smith 2018, Introduction, para. 3).

Web pages

State the author, year of publication and, if applicable, page number(s) (page numbers are missing in most cases for web pages). If there is no personal author, use the corporate author (company, organisation, authority etc.). If there is no information about the year of publication, indicate as "n.d." (no date).


(Volvo 2019).


According to Volvo (2019) production will…

Sound and images

Audiovisual media

The time stamp for a video lecture or an audiobook serves as the equivalent to a page reference for an audiovisual source. You specify how many minutes and seconds into the file the current section starts.


(Author/equivalent Year, chapter (if applicable), minutes:seconds)

For longer files the time stamp may include hours: hours:minutes:seconds


(Smith 2010, ch. 3, 4:35).

Illustrations (photographs, figures, diagrams, tables etc.)

You can cite illustrations without directly including them in your text.

Example – the image is not included in your text

The painting "The fighting temeraire" (Turner 1839) shows...

If you include an illustration created by someone else in your paper, you must check if it is protected by copyright. For illustrations protected by copyright, you must seek permission from the copyright owner before including them in your text. If you use an illustration in your paper, include a caption with the following details: image number (e.g. Figure 1), title, creator of the illustration and year. Cite the individual (artist, photographer etc.) who produced the illustration in the in-text reference.

Example – the image is included in your text

Image 5 (Hazel 2015, p. 32) is a typical example of...

Example – image with a Creative Commons-licence

Image 4. Colorful Bird Houses blue purple green. (Friedman 2017). CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

More information

Copyright and images

Using images with a Creative Commons licence

Other sources

Secondary sources

Citing source from a secondary source is generally discouraged, since you are expected to have directly read the works you cite. However, if a primary source (original source) is unavailable, you may use a secondary source. If you use secondary sources, the primary and secondary sources, along with the year, should be indicated in the in-text reference. Only the secondary source is to be included in the reference list.


In the example below you have read Bob Smith's book "Democracy" published in 1972, where he cites Tom Small's book "Civil rights" published in 1832, on page 67:

Small (1832, cited in Smith 1972, p. 67) claims...


(Small 1832, cited in Smith 1972, p. 67).

Personal communication

Personal communication refers to information obtained through, for example, emails, phone calls, interviews and lectures. You must always get permission from the individual before referencing their communication. If anonymity has been assured, it must be maintained.

Sometimes personal communication is noted in a footnote on the page where it is referenced, in which case it should not be included in the reference list. Check with your teacher/supervisor if you are unsure what applies to your course.

Example - named person

(Svensson, 2023).

Example - person promised anonymity

(Informant 1).

Generative AI

Normally, generative AI should not be used as a source in papers. However, the rules for generative AI may vary between courses, programmes and faculties. Therefore, ask your teacher or supervisor about when and how you can use generative AI for your work.


(Open AI 2024)

More helpful examples

Use of acronyms/abbreviations

The first time you cite a source by an organisation, provide the full name of the organisation followed by the standard acronym/abbreviation in square brackets. Subsequently, when citing from the same source again, you will only need to use the abbreviation. Provide the full name in the reference list, followed by the acronym/abbreviation of the organisation within parentheses.

Example – provide the full name the first time

(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] 2010, p. 89).

Example – only acronym the next time

(OECD 2010, p. 95).

Several works by one author in the same year

If you are quoting several works published by the same author in the same year, they should be separated by adding a lower-case letter directly after the year for each item. Which reference should have a or b is determined by which title is first in the alphabet. Please note that the works should be separated in the same way in the reference list (by adding a lower-case letter after the year).


Previous results confirmed the thesis (Duncan 2000a, pp. 167-169), but later research disproved it (Duncan 2000b, pp. 40-44).

Citing multiple sources supporting the same idea

When citing multiple sources within the same parenthesis, place the in-text references in alphabetical order, separating them with semicolons.


Studies (Jones and Wilson 2019, p. 14; Smith 2016, p. 38; Yourstone 2012, p. 145) show…

Learn more

Introduction to the Harvard system

A video about the Harvard reference style.

Basics of paraphrasing

Questions about writing references?

Do you have questions about how to write a reference list or cite sources? Visit our drop-in sessions or schedule a tutoring appointment if you need help from a librarian. You can also submit short questions via chat and the contact form or ask the staff at the information desk.

Latest update: 2024-10-11