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Register and publish your thesis

When you are finished with your thesis, you need to register it in DiVA, Umeå university’s publication database. Here you will find information on how to register a thesis, as well as links to step-by-step manuals that guide you through the registration process.

Umeå University's policy for scholarly publishing

The University's policy states that research results should be published with open access as far as possible. In cases where a publication is not published with open access, a full-text copy should be made available in the university's publication database DiVA. All publications must be registered in DiVA.

Open access policy for scientific publications at Umeå University

Register your thesis - proof-read and ready to publish

When it is time to register your thesis in DiVA it should be proof-read and ready, both in form and content. Information about the layout of the thesis and posting sheet is provided by the university.

Register a doctoral thesis

You yourself will register your doctoral thesis in DiVA. You need to do the registration at least three working days before the posting date. At the registration, you will

  • fill in information about the thesis and the public defence
  • upload the thesis in full text and the posting sheet
  • add a picture of the front cover (if you want to and if the copyright allows it).

Follow the instructions in our manuals when registering your thesis in DiVA.

Read more about the posting of your thesis and the mandatory printed copies of your thesis that you need to deliver to the library:

Posting and posting ceremony

Register a licentiate thesis

You must register your licentiate thesis in DiVA before your licentiate seminar. At the registration, you will

  • fill in information about the thesis and the licentiate seminar
  • upload the thesis in full text
  • add a picture of the front cover (if you want to and if the copyright allows it).

Follow the instructions in our manuals when registering your thesis in DiVA.

If your licentiate thesis is published in printed format, you are also required to submit a printed copy of the thesis to the library.


Theses in Fine Arts

Theses in Fine Arts can vary in format and presentation and often have content that needs special solutions in connection with publication in DiVA. Contact the library if your thesis contains parts and documentation that do not take the form of a traditional, usually text-based, thesis.

Frequently asked questions and contact

Frequently asked questions about theses and posting

Answers to common questions about theses, posting, ISBN, ISSN and more.

Contact the library

Contact us via form, chat or phone. Here you will also find addresses and opening hours.

Latest update: 2024-05-17