Umeå University researchers can publish open access at no cost in Springer Nature journals. Read more about the terms of our agreement with the publisher for 2025 and what it means for you here.
The open access publishing fee (APC, article processing charge) has been pre-paid through an agreement between the library and Springer Nature. This applies to open access publishing in all Springer Nature open access journals and a large part of their hybrid journals. A few journals do not offer open access publishing; they are subscription-only journals.
The submission process works best if you are connected to the university network (via internet on campus or VPN) when you submit your manuscript to a Springer journal. This will enable you to be automatically recognised as an Umeå University-affiliated author.
If you’re not connected to the network, select ”I accept responsibility for paying the processing charge on this article”. The “membership” and “discount” options do not apply to the type of agreement that the library has with Springer Nature.
The actual verification of your affiliation to Umeå University will take place upon article acceptance. Confirm your institutional affiliation on Springer’s publishing platform by selecting “Umea University” in the dropdown list.