Umeå University researchers can publish open access at no cost in most Oxford University Press journals. Read more about the terms of our agreement with the publisher for 2025 and what it means for you here.
The open access publishing fee (APC, article processing charge) has been pre-paid through an agreement between the library and Oxford University Press (OUP). The agreement applies to open access publishing in hybrid journals included in the Oxford Journals Collection and in their open access journals OUP Fully Open Access.
Additional fees for Oxford University Press journals
At present, Oxford University Press charges a fee when an article is accepted for publication (acceptance fee) or when it is submitted for publication (submission fee) for some of its journals.
Titles with a fee at the time of publication (“acceptance fee”)
Biology of Reproduction (1529-7268)
Journal of Leukocyte Biology (1938-3673);
Neuro-Oncology (1523-5866);
The Plant Cell (1532-298X);
Plant Physiology (1532-2548); and
Stem Cells (1549-4918).
Titles with a fee when submitting an article for publication (“submission fee”)
American Journal of Hypertension (1941-7225);
Journal of Financial Econometrics (1479-8417);
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization (1465-7341);
Neuro-Oncology (1523-5866);
The Plant Cell (1532-298X);
Plant Physiology (1532-2548)
SLEEP (1550-9109);
Social Forces (1534-7605);
Social Problems (1533-8533);
Stem Cells Translational Medicine (2157-6580); and
Stem Cells (1549-4918).
Terms and conditions
You must be the corresponding author, i.e., the one handling communication with the publisher and journal.
Your Umeå University affiliation must be stated in the published article.
Use your university email ending with The email domain is used to recognise your eligibility.
The agreement applies to the article types "research article", "review article", "brief report" and "case report".
Your article will be published under a CC BY license in most cases. Some OUP journals only offer a more restrictive license, such as CC BY-NC-ND or CC BY-NC.
The agreement does not cover additional charges, such as page charges or charges for colour illustrations.
How the publishing process works
Read more about the agreement on the publisher's information page:
The majority of hybrid journals published by OUP are included in the agreement, but there are some exceptions. The list of included journals will be subject to more minor changes.
The latest, updated information from OUP can be found via this link. You can find a list of OUP hybrid journals included in the agreement under the heading “Hybrid journals”.