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Publish with open access

Publishing open access means making research publications reusable and freely available for reading. Researchers and doctoral students at Umeå University are recommended to publish with open access. On this page, you can read more about open access and the support available from the library for publishing your research results.

Different routes to open access

There are several ways to publish open access. For example, you can publish in an open access journal or share the accepted version of your publication in an open archive. These different models for open access are sometimes described using colour codes or names. Here, you can read about the models referred to as gold, hybrid, diamond, and green.

A publication is made openly available for a fee (gold and hybrid)

Many publishers offer the option of making your publication open access for a publishing fee. The fee is often called APC (Article Processing Charge) or BPC (Book Processing Charge). The open access model is called gold when the whole journal or book is freely available.

The hybrid model means that for a publishing fee, you can publish open access in a journal that charges a subscription fee for access to other articles. Your article will be open access, but the rest of the material in the journal will not necessarily be.

A publication is made openly available without a fee (diamond)

The diamond model means open access publishing where you do not have to pay a publication fee to the journal or publisher. It is free for you to publish and for others to read.

A copy of a publication is made available in an open archive (green)

In the green model, open access is achieved when you make a version of your publication available in an open archive or repository, such as the University's publication database DiVA. Many publishers allow the accepted version of the article (after peer review) to be made available in an open archive. This is also known as self-archiving.


What to consider when you publish open access

Umeå University strives to make published research results openly accessible. The University's policy states that you, as a researcher, must register your publications in DiVA and make them as openly available as possible.

Open access requirements from funding bodies

Many funding bodies require that publications resulting from funded projects be published with open access. Always read your funding body's open access policy carefully. Contact the library if you have questions about interpreting or fulfilling open access requirements.

Choose a trustworthy publisher

Before submitting your manuscript to a journal or book publisher, always verify the publisher's trustworthiness. Some publishers claim to be legitimate but do not uphold the quality standards expected from a reputable publisher.

Use the guides on Think.Check.Submit to evaluate journals and publishers before you submit your manuscript.  You can also use DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) to find quality-reviewed open access journals in your field.


DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals

Publish open access books

There are increasing opportunities to publish open access books and book chapters. The OAPEN OA Books Toolkit provides resources if you want to learn about publishing an open access book. Currently the library has one agreement with a publisher, Brill, which partially covers the cost of publishing open access books.

OAPEN OA Books Toolkit

You are responsible for paying the publication fee

If you choose a publishing channel that charges a fee for open access publishing, you will be asked to specify who will pay. This is usually done either when you submit your manuscript or after it has been accepted. The responsibility for paying the fee lies with you, the author. If you publish an article, the publication fee can often be paid through one of the library's agreements.

Open access publishing agreements

Choose a suitable Creative Commons licence for your publication

When publishing with open access, you must learn about the Creative Commons licence system. Creative Commons licences clarify what others can and cannot do with your work. The CC BY licence, which allows the highest degree of reuse of your work, is required by many research funders.
The library's open online course on Creative Commons licences will teach you how to choose a licence and other important considerations when signing a publishing agreement.

Online course: Creative Commons licences in scholarly publishing

Copyright and open licences in publishing

Umeå University's policy for scholarly publishing

The University's policy states that research results should be published with open access as far as possible. In cases where a publication is not published with open access, a full-text copy should be made available in the university's publication database DiVA. All publications must be registered in DiVA.

Open access policy for scientific publications at Umeå University

Do you have questions about open access?

The library can provide guidance when you want to publish your research results. Contact us if you have questions about open access, agreements with publishers, selecting a Creative Commons licence or DiVA.

Latest update: 2024-05-29