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Umeå University Library has a collection of historical maps: older printed map sheets, cadastral maps on microfiche and digital maps.
The University Library holds approximately 800 historical maps, with an emphasis on the north of Sweden.
Register to the map collections of Archives and Special Collections (only in Swedish)
The archives of the archaeologist Gustaf Hallström include a collection of approximately 650 printed maps.
The Gustaf Hallström map collection (only in Swedish)
Boundaries for counties and wards have shifted over the years. These maps show the boundaries for counties and wards in Norrland, as they were in the years 1800 and 1900.
County maps with ward boundaries for Norrland (only in Swedish)
Please contact us for additional information.
Phone: +46 90 - 786 65 71E-mail: aos.ub@umu.se
Visiting address: Umeå University Library
Postal address:Umeå University LibraryArchives and Special CollectionsLinnaeus väg 27907 36 Umeå