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Journals and databases - find articles and information

This page will provide shortcuts to major databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. You will also find links to tools that measure and rank the impact of scholarly publications, such as the journal impact factor and the Norwegian list. Here you can also read about the library's electronic and print journals and the Browzine service, which you can use to read the library's e-journals.

Articles, databases, and journals in the library search tool

In addition to books, the library search tool allows you to search for articles, journals, and databases. The search tool is a good starting point for discovering what material the library can provide. From the search tool, you can move on to a specialised database where you can find more advanced search options and subject terms. Log in to the library search tool with your UMU ID to access the databases and the library's electronic materials.

Shortcuts to our databases

Find and read library journals

The library search tool includes all the journals the library has access to, both printed and electronic.

Journal search

Read your e-journals in Browzine

Browzine allows you to read e-journals in a format adapted for mobile phones and tablets. You can collect your favourites in your own bookshelf and receive notifications when a new issue or new articles are published.

E-journals in Browzine

Printed journals

The easiest way to find a printed journal in the library is to look it up in the library search tool. Here you will find which issues are available, where in the library the journal is located, and a map to help you find your way there. A selection of our printed journals is displayed in the University Library's journal room, on the Medical Library's entrance floor, and in the journal room at the Arts Campus Library.

More information on journals - ranking and journal abbreviations

There are several databases you can use if you want to find out more about a scholarly journal. These databases contain brief information about each journal, such as publisher, ISSN number, and journal abbreviation. In some databases, you will find measures to compare and rank different scholarly publications, such as journal impact factors and citations.

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Latest update: 2023-05-26