All students must change their password since 7 May.
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The opening hours at the University Library will be changing from 2025.
Journal of Community Systems for Health is a new journal launched on the Library's publishing platform.
The library is launching a guide which walks you through how to publish strategically and with open access.
You can now identify yourself with your Umu-id for direct access to many databases and other e-resources.
The library’s Archives and Special Collections contain many connections to Nobel Prize laureates.
Researchers can publish with open access at no cost through a range of agreements.
New recommendations in the US aim for immediate open access to all federally funded research results by 2026.
Umeå University Library has an open online-course in information search.
Before publishing in one of MDPI's journals, you are advised to do a critical review of the journal.
The action plan aims to complement and concretise SUHF's roadmap for open science.
There is now a guide (in Swedish) from the Swedish Research Council to help you write a data management plan.
The relocation of the University Library at the Arts Campus will create four times more space.
KB and VR have released reports on the national development toward open science.
Umeå University is one of four Swedish organisations involved in the new European collaboration Skills4EOSC.
A new template for data management plans is now available in DMPonline.
The Somali Health Action Journal is launched during the International Open Access Week.
The database Granta Design is a teaching resource that support materials education.
The Swedish Research Council invite researchers to participate in a survey about research data management.
The order form for suggestions, interlibrary loans and article copies has been improved.
The library help straightening out the dos and don'ts when fulfilling funders expectations for open science.
From November 1, employees need to log in to see and order certain articles electronically.