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Here you will find the latest news from the library, including features and events.
How to use Umeå University Library's Harvard and Oxford styles in the reference management software Zotero.
The University is investing in an extensive renovation of the University Library (UB) .
You can now search with AI when using the library search tool.
The opening hours at the University Library will be changing from 2025.
Journal of Community Systems for Health is a new journal launched on the Library's publishing platform.
The library is launching a guide which walks you through how to publish strategically and with open access.
We visit Shut up and write!, a writing group for PhD students.
The university-wide project for how to manage research data throughout their lifecycle.
We met Gustav Nilsonne, to talk about reward systems and the present conditions for doing research.
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Workshop. This workshop teaches what a data management plan is all about and how you can use the DMPonline tool to write and maintain a data management plan.
Workshop. Welcome to ask your questions about information retrieval and reference management.
Group meeting. How can researchers remain independent in the face of mounting political attacks on academic freedom? What challenges does Open Science face today?
Course. AI-tools can be used to help explore and find research and identify researchers for literature reviews. Get an introduction to Research Rabbit.