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Guide to the library: Teachers

If you are a teacher at Umeå University, the library can serve as a support for both your teaching and your students' studies. In this guide, you will find tips on using the library in your role as a teacher.

Search, write and study - the library in your teaching

The library supports students in their information searching, writing and development of study skills. As a teacher, you can book customised lessons for your students on topics such as:

  • information searching;
  • reference management;
  • academic writing;
  • study skills; and
  • oral presentations.

We also have an open digital introductory course on information searching that you can add as a module to your Canvas course.

Tutoring and support - tips for your students!

Students who need tips and strategies on information searching, academic writing or study skills can get help via:

  • personal tutoring;
  • drop-in sessions;
  • open lectures; and
  • the staff at the information desk.

We also help students with reading and writing difficulties in accessing talking books and assistive technology.

By looking at the guide for students, you can get a good idea of the support  the library offers.

Guide to the library: Students

Textbooks in the library

The library purchases all textbooks used in courses at Umeå University. If possible, we purchase textbooks as e-books. However, the library needs to adhere to specific agreements and licences when purchasing e-resources. Additionally, we always have a physical reference copy for reading in the library.

Your textbook lists in Selma determine our purchases

Our purchases of textbooks are based on your lists of required reading in Selma. Be sure to enter information about all textbooks well before the start of the course, at least two months in advance.

Services for you as an employee

As an employee at Umeå University, you have access to our courses, such as introductions to medical databases and introductory courses in reference management software. You can also order a search consultation from the library free of charge.

Find more tips in our other guides

In our guides for students, doctoral students and researchers, you can also find information of interest to teachers.

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Latest update: 2023-04-05