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Guide to the library: Students

The library is a resource for you throughout your studies. Here you can study, borrow textbooks and search for articles in various databases. You can also get help with information searching, study skills, academic writing and referencing. This guide gives you tips on how to use the library both on campus and remotely.

Use the library - on campus or remotely

You can use the library for your studies wherever you are. Here you'll find practical information on what's available in the library and how to access library resources from home.

Get started using the library

The three most important things to keep track of to start using the library are your Umu-id, your Umu card and the library search tool:

  • Your Umu-id gives you access to the library's e-resources, such as e-books, articles and databases. With your Umu-id you can also book the library's group study rooms.
  • You will need your Umu card to borrow and print. Apply for your card in advance!
  • You can find all our books, articles and other media through the library search tool, and you can also see your loans and requests.


UMU card

Library search tool

Can I find my textbooks in the library?

The library has at least two copies of all textbooks for programmes and courses at Umeå University. One copy can only be read in the library and is therefore never checked out. There is also at least one copy you can borrow to take home, or the book is available as an e-book.

Are you unable to find your textbook in the library? Our purchases of textbooks are always based on the textbook lists your teacher enters in the educational administrative system Selma. Therefore, you cannot submit a purchase suggestion for textbooks. If the library has not purchased your textbook, you need to ask your teacher to update the information in Selma.

How do I borrow books as a distance student?

Interlibrary loan via your local library

If you live outside Umeå municipality, you can ask your local library to arrange interlibrary loans from us. We will send the books to your local library, where you borrow and return them. You do not need an Umu card to make an interlibrary loan; just use your local library card.

If you want to borrow a textbook, it is important that your local library notes when ordering that you are a distance student at Umeå University. Please bear in mind that textbooks have a short loan period.

Use the Umu card to borrow books on site in Umeå

If your course has meet-ups in Umeå, you might want to visit the library while you are here. You will need your Umu card if you wish to borrow books. Please apply for the card in good time before your visit. You choose in the Umu card portal where you want to pick up your card.

UMU card


Search, write and study - we can help you!

The library can support you when you are searching for information, writing academic texts or want to develop your study skills. Here you can find information and get help when you, for example, need to: 

  • find scientific articles for an assignment;
  • write a take-home exam or a student thesis;
  • create a structure for your independent studies;
  • take better notes in lectures; and
  • prepare for an oral presentation.

Courses, lectures, drop-in and tutoring

Learn more about academic writing, study skills and reference management at our lectures and workshops. You can also visit our drop-in, where you can ask short questions.

Drop-in and lectures for students

If you want more in-depth help, you can book a tutoring appointment with a writing teacher or librarian.

Schedule a tutoring appointment

In our open online course, you will learn the basics of information search. You can take the whole course or choose the parts that interest you.

Basic course in information search


Find your way in our collections - from textbooks to databases

The library has extensive collections of books, journals and other materials in various subject areas. The printed material is available in the library, but large parts of the collections are available electronically. As a student, you may be most interested in borrowing textbooks and using e-resources such as databases and e-books. Use the library search tool to find the material you are looking for.

Publish - from student theses to articles

All student theses, articles, dissertations and other publications written at Umeå University are registered in the university's publication database DiVA. In DiVA, you can search for other people's student theses and submit your own once you have finished it.

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Latest update: 2025-01-29