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Open access policy for scientific publishing at Umeå University

Open Access Policy for scientific publishing at Umeå University

Umeå University promotes making all published research outputs free of all restrictions on access as far as possible. This according to the 2013 Berlin Declaration on Open Access signed by the Association of Swedish Higher Education and concordant to the requirements placed by the Swedish Research Council and other research funding bodies

Type of document: Policy
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Research
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-911-17
Validity: 2017-09-19-Until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2017-09-19
Replaces document: UmU 500-2855-11

Open Access Policy for scientific publishing at Umeå University

Procedures - Supporting good research practice and handling suspected deviations

Procedures – supporting good research practice and handling suspected deviations

These procedures have two purposes. The first is to determine how to organise proactive work to promote good research practice and high-quality research at Umeå University. The second is to define procedures for addressing suspected research misconduct and deviations from good research practice and that these procedures are applied in a clear, uniform, transparent and legally sound manner in accordance with current legislation. This document is primarily for staff working with these questions at Umeå University and individuals impacted by these procedures.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Research Support and Collaboration Office
Field: Research
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-2282-21
Validity: 1 July 2022 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2022-07-01
Replaces document: Procedures – supporting good research practice and handling suspected deviations 2021 (FS 1.1.2282-21)

Procedures-Supporting good research practice and handling suspected deviations_FS 1.1-2282-21.pdf (231 kB)

Rules for research infrastructures at Umeå university

Rules for research infrastructures at Umeå university

The aim of these rules is to ensure overall coordination of research infrastructures at Umeå University that are accessible to more users than an individual research group.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Research
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-2087-23
Validity: 2 November 2023 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2024-05-31
Replaces document: Rules for Umeå University’s overall research infrastructures approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 30 May 2017 (FS 1.1-259- 17), and withdrawn in accordance with Vice-Chancellor’s decision FS 1.1-237-23 on 10 February 2023.

Rules for research infrastructures at Umeå university

Research data policy

Research data policy

This policy describes responsibilities and provides guidance on how Umeå University is to manage and preserve research data during the entire course of a research project from the planning stage, during the project and after the end of the project.

Type of document: Policy
Reg. no.: FS 1.1.-545-21
Date of approval: 2021-03-09

Research data policy

Policy for research on animals

Policy for research on animals

The Policy for research on animals at Umeå University aims to stipulate what applies to experiments on animals as regards ethics, rules, and legislation.

Type of document: Policy
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Research
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-2329-19
Validity: 1 January 2020 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2019-12-17
Replaces document: Newly established

Policy for research on animals

Internationalisation policy

Internationalisation policy

Internationalisation policy for Umeå University.

Type of document: Policy
Office in charge: International Office
Field: First- and Second-Cycle Education, Third-cycle education, Research
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-212-22
Validity: 4 March 2022 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2022-03-04
Replaces document: FS 1.1.1-284-14

Internationalisation policy

Plan for EU funding 2022–2027

Plan for EU funding 2022–2027

Umeå University's vision of having a strong position, internationally, nationally and regionally, presupposes that the university is an actor to be reckoned with in the European arena and has a significant share of funds from the EU. The purpose of this document is to identify and propose activities so that the goal of increased research funding from the EU can be reached.

Type of document: Plan
Office in charge: The Research Support and Collaboration Office
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1297-22
Date of approval: 2022-07-01
Replaces document: Plan for EU funding 2018–2020

Plan for EU funding 2022–2027

Policy for quality assurance and enhancement of research 

Policy for quality assurance and enhancement of research at Umeå university

This policy specifies principles and overall responsibility and division of roles for quality assurance and enhancement of research at Umeå University. The policy provides guidance for quality assurance and enhancement procedures within research at all levels of the University. Together with other policy documents, the policy will help foster continual enhancement of research quality and the confidence of external parties.

Type of document: Policy
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Research
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1121-23
Validity: 2 June 2023 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2023-06-02
Replaces document: New document

Policy for quality assurance and enhancement of research at Umeå university

Latest update: 2024-01-11