This Administrative Procedures describes the forms and processes of appointment, as well as the authorities, for person with status as Affiliated Professor Emeritus or Emerita at Umeå University
Administrative procedures for status as affiliated professor emeritus/emerita
Umeå University’s Appointments Procedure determines teacher categories, qualification criteria and assessment criteria in recruitment and promotion of teachers, as well as the external expert procedure. The Appointments Procedure makes concrete the regulations established in the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) and the Higher Education Ordinance. In addition to this, teaching posts are regulated in central and local collective agreements. Supplemental provisions are also found in the University’s legal framework.
Appointments Procedure for Techers at Umeå University FS.1.1.-939.24
List of new Swedish and English title names related to the Appointments procedure for teachers
Previous version
Appointments procedure for teachers at Umeå University FS 1.1-129-22
Management and leadership policy
This policy sets out Umeå University’s view on management and leadership as well as its expectations on managers and leaders at the University – including heads of department and other academic leaders. It also details the support that is available to them and the way leadership is followed up.
Management and leadership policy
Policy against corruption
This policy clarifies how applicable legislation concerning corruption is applied at Umeå University. The policy offers guidance to staff and is intended to maintain the standards of objectivity and impartiality that apply to all employees working in public administration.
Umeå University has a model for the acquisition of educational qualifications meaning that teachers can apply for qualification for two consecutive levels: 1) recognised university teacher, and 2) distinguished university teacher. This code of rules and procedures describes how university teachers apply for the acquisition of educational qualifications. This document also describes the procedure and decision-making process for all parties involved: applicants, expert advisers, the Pedagogical Qualification Board, and the faculties.
Procedure for the acquisition of educational qualifications at Umeå University
Professional and career development policy
The aim of this policy is to institutionalise a long-term, structured and strategic approach to professional and career development; strengthen the University’s ability to develop and respond to change; and advocate thought-through, systematic development plans that promote excellent performance, talent acquisition, competitiveness and a healthy work environment with equal terms for all. This policy defines key concepts, sets out guiding principles, clarifies who is responsible for what and describes what the University does to achieve this policy’s vision.
Professional and career development policy
Rule for appointment of academic leadership positions
This rule specifies regulations for appointment processes for academic leadership positions at university-wide level, faculty level and department level. The rule also addresses processes for appointing leadership positions for units and centres.
Rule for appointment of academic leadership positions_FS 1.1-2632-21.pdf (245 kB)
Rule for terms and conditions for academic leadership positions
This rule discusses regulations regarding conditions for academic leadership positions at Umeå University.
Rule for terms and conditions for academic leadership positions_FS 1.1-2631-21.pdf (183 kB)
Rule for documentation and assessment of pedagogic qualifications
University teachers at Umeå University are to document their pedagogic qualifications in a pedagogic portfolio. The documentation within the portfolio shall demonstrate how the applicant satisfies the assessment grounds and criteria for pedagogic skill that apply for employment, promotion or placement within the pedagogic qualification system. A CV detailing the teacher's teaching activity should also be attached to the portfolio. Rule for documentation and assessment of pedagogic qualifications
Rule documentation and assessment of pedagogic qualifications
Secondary employment is an important part of teachers' interaction with society, but it should also be clear that these secondary employments must be properly managed. The general public should feel assured that teachers are not being influenced by their secondary employment in their professional role and its execution. Secondary employment should be handled transparently and kept quite separate from the employee's regular work at the university.
This rule regulates scholarships instituted and disbursed by Umeå University. Umeå University can institute scholarships for education, postdoctoral qualifications and travel. Educational scholarships may only be instituted for students admitted to studies at the first-cycle, second-cycle or third-cycle level. The purpose of this rule is to ensure Umeå University uses scholarships in a consistent and correct way.
Regulation for associate senior lecturers
The target group for the position is nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, specialist trained doctors and dentists and other relevant occupational groups. At Umeå University an associate senior lecturer position can be combined with employment as a specialist trained doctor or dentist or with employment other than that as a doctor for up to a maximum of 13 hours per week.
Regulation for associate senior lecturer in combination with clinical service
This rule applies to appointments as associate senior lecturer within the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine (WCMM) initiative. Employment is on an indefinite-term basis and is mainly oriented towards research at least 80 percent of work time for six years.
Procedures when appointing teachers
Umeå University’s appointments procedure for teachers (FS 1.1-939-24), regulates teaching categories, qualification requirements, assessment criteria for recruitments and promotions, and the external expert procedure. The rule for the recruitment process when appointing teachers defines the various parts of the process and defines relevant statutes and their application in the appointment of teaching staff.
Procedures when appointing teachers FS 1.1-1137-24
Previous rule
Rule - recruitment process when appointing teachers
Rules for business travel at Umeå University
Rules for business travel at Umeå University specify the process for planning, ordering and paying for business trips. The rules also include information about insurance coverage for business trips and what applies if a business trip is combined with a holiday.
Rules for business travel att Umeå University
Salary policy
Umeå University shall have a cohesive, joint salary policy for all the university’s employees – we are a single employer. The salary policy is part of Umeå University’s human resources policy and its purpose is to help the university reach its goals and to run the organisation efficiently. Motivated, dedicated and knowledgeable employees are a pre-requisite for maintaining a high level of quality in the university’s operations.
Wellness rules at Umeå University
The wellness rules at Umeå University clarify and establish the rules that apply at Umeå University for wellness in the form of fitness reimbursement, fitness hour and participation in Health on Campus activities.
Wellness rules at Umeå University
Rule for intermittent employment with hourly wage
This policy document describes how Umeå University handles intermittent employment with hourly wage.
Rule for intermittent employment with hourly wage_FS 1.1-1302-22.pdf (108 kB)
According to the university’s vision, the university aims to have a sustainable work environment with a good working environment characterised by an inclusive culture where equality, diversity, and equal conditions are self-evident for students and employees. The purpose of this rule is to describe the university’s organisation of work environment and equal conditions to prevent discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and offensive treatment, as well as to promote a good working environment. The rule outlines the support and roles within the coordination of preventive work related to work environment and equal conditions at the university.
Rule - Organisation of the work environment and equal opportunities
The Work environment and equal opportunities policy aims to provide guidelines for the work environment strivings and should overall describe the working conditions and work environment in the organisation, and how these conditions should be formed. The policy regulates the systematic work environment and equal opportunities work.
Work environment and equal opportunities policy
Rules for gender equality when nominating and establishing decision-making and advisory bodies
These rules stipulate how gender equality is to be observed when the University nominates individuals for prizes and when appointing and proposing individuals to represent the University. The policy document also outlines guidelines regarding the composition of decision-making and advisory bodies at the University to ensure gender equality.
Rules for gender equality when nominating and establishing decision-making and advisory bodies
University-wide action plan for systematic work environment management and active measures 2025–2027
The university-wide action plan for systematic work environment management and active measures 2025–2027 describes at a general level identified risks and barriers in the work and study environment and targets and measures to mitigate these risks. The plan is intended to support the organisation’s preventive and promotional efforts to create a good work and study environment free from discrimination.
University-wide action plan for systematic work environment management and active measures 2025–2027
Remuneration and compensation for the University’s steering committees, committees, councils and boards
These rules are intended to establish levels and conditions for payments to participants in various University bodies. They apply to both internal and external members.
Procedures to support managers when handling victimisation, harassment or sexual harassment
At Umeå University, managers with staff and work environment responsibilities must act without delay if they are informed of undesirable behaviour suspected to be victimisation, harassment or sexual harassment. These procedures support managers in the handling of such cases that involve staff or students and are hence also aimed primarily at managers. The HR Guide on the staff website provides further support for managers regarding how to handle and process cases of victimisation, harassment and sexual harassment. Information for staff and students can be found on the staff and student websites respectively.
Procedures to support managers when handling victimisation, harassment or sexual harassment
Procedures for alcohol and drugs at Umeå University
The purpose of the Procedures for alcohol and drugs is to ensure an alcohol-free and drug-free work and study environment. Staff and students who exhibit signs of alcohol- or drug-related ill health must be offered help and support. Rehabilitation must be offered whenever it is confirmed that someone has problems related to alcohol or drugs.
Procedures for alcohol and drugs
Gender mainstreaming strategy 2022-2025
This document describes the strategy for the work on gender mainstreaming. Umeå University’s vision includes a clear ambition to ensure that gender equality permeates the entire organisation and for students and staff to be able to study and work at the University on equal terms. On this basis, and to ensure the inclusion of the entire organisation in Umeå University’s gender mainstreaming strategy, this document is based on a problem analysis carried out by each of the University’s faculties, the Umeå School of Education, the University Administration and the University Library in 2021. The work was completed in cooperation with the trade unions and student unions.
Gender mainstreaming strategy 2022-2025
Local collective agreement on cooperation for development at Umeå University
The aim of the agreement is that our workplaces will embody constructive dialogue, participation and a good work environment. Work environment and safety work, equality, equal treatment, skills supply, finance and operations planning are all examples of matters which must be dealt with systematically and coordinated within the framework of cooperation. This provides conditions for more involvement and responsibility, which increases the quality of activities and helps to make Umeå University to an attractive place to work.
Local collective agreement on cooperation for development at Umeå university FS 1.1-249-24
Working Hours Agreement for Teachers at Umeå University
In the University's development programme for the period up to 2002, it was established that the staff is the most important resource. This is undoubtedly the case for salaried teachers. The work environment should be perceived as stimulating and creative, and sustainable systems for competence maintenance should be in place. The working hours agreement is an important instrument in reaching these goals.
Working Hours Agreement for Teachers at Umeå University.pdf (259 kB)