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Buildings, IT, environment and safety


Housing administration

Procedures for housing administration

This code of rules and procedures aims to clarify the internal coordination of housing for international students, doctoral students, postdoctoral scholarship recipients, visiting research fellows and research fellows employed at Umeå University, based on the Ordinance (SFS 2022:1515) on the opportunities for higher education institutions to provide housing.

Type of document: Procedures
Office in charge: Property Management Office
Field: Premises, IT, Environment and Security
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-354-23
Validity: Until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2025-03-21
Replaces document: Code of rules and procedures for housing coordination (FS 1.1-1709-20)

Procedures for housing administration

Property management plan 

Property management plan

The Umeå University property management plan describes the underlying conditions regarding the provision of premises and the projects and development efforts being prioritised throughout the period. The plan is to be used when prioritising the University’s property needs, and is intended to lead to an efficient, optimised use of the University’s premises.

Type of document: Plan
Office in charge: Property Management Office
Field: Buildings, IT, environment and safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-2161-22
Validity: 2024–2027
Approved by: University Board
Date of approval: 2022-12-07
Replaces document: Property management plan 2020–2023

Property management plan

Rules for premises

Rules for premises

This rule contains provisions for public order, safety and security on the University’s premises, for the renting or booking of premises, for placarding or posting of notices, and for digital information screens.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Property Management Office
Field: Buildings, IT, environment and security
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1454-22
Validity: 8 December 2023 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2023-12-08
Replaces document: Rules for premises approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 23 August 2022 (FS 1.1-1454-22)

Rules for premises


IT security plan

IT Security Plan

Security in the use of the University’s IT resources

Type of document: Plan
Office in charge: ICT Services and System Development (ITS)
Field: Buildings, IT, environment and safety
Reg. no.: 100-3305-10
Validity: Until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2011-03-28

IT security plan

Rules for IT resources at Umeå University

Rules for IT resources at Umeå University

This document describes the overall rules that apply to Umeå University IT resources as well as the responsibilities held by staff, students and other authorised persons when using them.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: ICT Services and System Development (ITS)
Field: Buildings, IT, environment and safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-807-22
Validity: 1 July 2022 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2022-07-01
Replaces document: Regulations for the use of Umeå University’s IT resources (Umu 100- 3304-10) approved by the IT manager on 8 February 2011, Rules for the use of email (FS 1.1.2-1106-14) approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 19 August 2014, Procedures for administration of organisational changes in university-wide IT systems (Umu 100-1131-09) approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 7 April 2009, Liabilities for systems administrators (Umu 100-3315-10) approved by the IT manager on 9 February 2011, Advice and guidelines for radio frequency electromagnetic fields at Umeå University linked with the use of mobile phones and wireless networks (Umu 102-978-06) approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 28 February 2006

Rules for IT resources at Umeå University

Rules for mobile phone contracts

Rules for mobile phone contracts

This document contains the rules for managing the costs incurred for those employees whose duties require a mobile phone contract.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: ICT Services and System Development (ITS)
Field: Buildings, IT, environment and safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1130-20
Validity: Until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2020-06-03
Replaces document: Rules for mobile phone contracts at Umeå University, approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 16 May 2017 (FS 1.1-379-17)

Rules for mobile phone contracts


Action plan for climate and sustainability

Action plan - climate and sustainability

This action plan contains university-wide objectives and activities for the University’s climate and sustainability work during the period 2024–2026. The plan is part of the University’s systematic work in accordance with the University’s Rule for environmental and sustainability work and the Ordinance on environmental management in government agencies.

Type of document: Plan
Office in charge: Property Management Office
Field: Buildings, IT, Environment and Safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1068-23
Validity: 15 March 2024 until 31 December 2026
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2024-03-15
Replaces document: Action plan for climate and sustainability 2021–2023, FS 1.1-2259-20.

Action plan - Climate and sustainability 2024-2026

Action plan - Climate and sustainability 2021-2023

Environmental and Sustainability Policy

Environmental and Sustainability Policy

This Environmental and Sustainability Policy describes the main focus for the University’s employees and students with regard to considering the environment and sustainable development within the University’s operations. Through this policy, the University ultimately aims to contribute towards achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals in Agenda 2030 and society’s climate goals.

Type of document: Policy
Office in charge: Property Management Office
Field: Premises, IT, environment and safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1040-24
Validity: 1 October 2024 until further notice
Approved by: The University Board
Date of approval: 2024-09-25
Replaces document: Environmental Policy FS 1.1-2187-19 approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 19 December 2019

Environmental and Sustainability Policy

Rule for environmental and sustainability work

Rule for environmental and sustainability work

This rule for environmental and sustainability work, which is aimed at both managers and employees, describes the process for Umeå University’s systematic environmental management and sustainability work.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Property Management Office
Field: Buildings, IT, environment and safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1067-23
Validity: 1 June 2023 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2023-05-26
Replaces document: Regulation for environmental and sustainability work (FS 1.1-1773-20)

Rule for environmental and sustainability work

Safety and security

Crisis management

Rule for crisis management

This policy document defines Umeå University’s organisation and division of responsibility for crisis preparedness and crisis management.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Building Office
Field: Buildings, IT, environment and safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-576-21
Validity: 1 July 2021 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-chancellor
Date of approval: 2021-06-08

Rule for crisis management

Instructions for gases, flammable products and pressurised equipment

Instructions for gases, flammable products and pressurised equipment

These instructions specify how gases, flammable products and pressurised equipment must be handled.

Type of document: Directions
Office in charge: Property Management Office
Field: Buildings, IT, environment and safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1500-22
Validity: 1 March 2023 until further notice
Approved by: University Director
Date of approval: 2023-01-30
Replaces document: Rule Organisation flammable products (reg. no. FS 2.11.2-1233-14) approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 27 August 2014

Instructions for gases, flammable products and pressurised equipment

Radiation protection

Rule for radiation protection

This rule describes how local agencies at Umeå university must work to maintain, evaluate, and improve, the radiation protection at the local agency to comply with Swedish laws and regulations.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Building Office
Field: Buildings, IT, Environment and Safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1674-20
Validity: Until superseded or revised
Approved by: Vice-chancellor
Date of approval: 2020-08-25
Replaces document: Newly established.

Rule for radiation protection

Radiation Protection Organisation at Umeå University

This document describes the Radiation Protection Organization at Umeå University. It describes the division of responsibilities and labor regarding the radiation protection. This document is a part of the Radiation Protection Management System at Umeå University.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Building Office
Field: Buildings, IT, Environment and Safety
Reg. no.: FS 2.10-1675-20
Validity: Until superseded or revised
Approved by: Vice-chancellor
Date of approval: 2020-08-25
Replaces document: N/A

Radiation protection organisation at Umeå University

Decomissioning plan for facilities used for work with open radioactive sources at Umeå university

This decommission plan describes the division of responsibilities and labor regarding the decommissioning of facilities at Umeå university that have been used for work involving open radioactive sources.

Type of document: Other
Office in charge: Building Office
Field: Buildings, IT, Environment and Safety
Reg. no.: FS 2.10-1676-20
Validity: Until superseded or revised
Approved by: Vice-chancellor
Date of approval: 2020-08-25
Replaces document: Newly established

Decomissioning plan for facilities used for work with open radioactive sources at Umeå university

Rule for purchasing radioactive sources

This rule describes what is needed to comply with Swedish laws and the regulations from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority when purchasing radioactive sources. This document also describes the documentation, and the communication with Umeå university’s radiation protection organization, that is needed to comply with the university’s regulations for radiation protection.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Building Office
Field: Buildings, IT, Environment and Safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1674-20
Validity: Until superseded or revised
Approved by: Vice-chancellor
Date of approval: 2020-08-25
Replaces document: ”Regel för inköp av joniserande strålning” fastställd av rektor 2016- 20-12, Dnr: FS 1.1-2122-16.

Rule for purchasing radioactive sources

Code of rules and procedures for disposal of radioactive waste

This document constitutes the code of rules and procedures regarding the disposal of radioactive waste at Umeå University.

Type of document: Other
Office in charge: Building Office
Field: Buildings, IT, Environment and Safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1672-20
Validity: Until superseded or revised
Approved by: Vice-chancellor
Date of approval: 2020-08-25
Replaces document: Rutin för kvittblivning av radioaktivt avfall 2016-12-20

Code of rules and procedures for disposal of radioactive waste

Safety policy

Safety policy

This policy describes the main focus with regard to safety work for Umeå University. The policy covers employees and organisational operations at the University, as well as service providers, externally engaged consultants and partners.

Type of document: Policy
Office in charge: Building Office
Field: Premises, IT, environment and safety
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1744-20
Validity: 1 January 2021 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2020-12-09
Replaces document: Safety Policy 1999 (ref. no. 100-1795-99)

Safety policy for Umeå University

Strategic products

Procedures for strategic products

This procedure describes roles and responsibilities and the manner in which the University’s organisation is to work with non-proliferation and export controls on military equipment and dual-use products (hereafter referred to jointly as “strategic products”).

Type of document: Other
Office in charge: Building Office
Field: Buildings, IT, environment and security
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-776-21
Validity: 1 January 2022 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2021-12-21
Replaces document: Newly established

Procedures for strategic products

Latest update: 2024-10-15