Under the current regulations, all government agencies must have a well-functioning information management system. These regulations describe the measures that Umeå University will take to ensure secure retainment of the agency’s electronic documents. These measures include the production, transmission, handling, storage and care of the documents during their statutory retainment period.
The purpose of a retention and deletion plan is to guide and structure the authority’s archiving procedures. The plan is intended for everyone at the authority who manages official documents.
Type of document: Directions
Office in charge: Registry and Archives
Field: Archive and Diary
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-2067-22
Validity: 2023-09-25- valid until further notice
Approved by: University Director
Date of approval: 2023-09-08
Replaces document: conducting research, FS 1.1-962-18 , temporary or minor nature, FS 1.1-440-21