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How have the funder requirements been met? How is the role of each party defined so that it is clear in the collaboration? To what extent are the parties in agreement and share an understanding of what the collaboration entails?

To define the role of each party, a so-called "term sheet" can be used. A term sheet is a non-binding document containing the main commercial and/or legal terms of a future agreement of any kind. When drafting a contract, legal advice should be sought sooner rather than later.

Reap the benefits and overcome the challenges of collaboration. Collaboration has many benefits. At the same time, it usually brings challenges that are important to overcome. For example, cultural and structural differences may naturally exist between academic and commercial environments. Organisations have different drivers and objectives that need to be addressed. If the partners can coordinate their visions, objectives and strategies in the concrete case, the chances of the collaboration and project succeeding increase. Early anchoring in the respective organisations, and a steering committee composed of people with appropriate backgrounds and the right decision-making mandate, can help to achieve this. 

Tools for better collaborations

Understanding of conditions and prerequisites for cooperation

Successful cooperation depends on trust between parties. By working through the questions in this material you will increase your understanding of each other's motivations, working culture and differences in relation to the project.

Regarding what, with whom and how should you make agreements?

Our presentation and material on contracts provide an initial overview of important contracts for researchers and entrepreneurs, focusing on contracts related to intellectual assets. Please contact us if you would like to take part of this material.

Term sheet (the document is in Swedish)

Vinnova's contract guide helps you to write contracts. The pdf with the guide ( in Swedish) can be found on Vinnova's site under "Help writing contracts in projects".  

DESCA Model Consortium agreement

Support functions you get in contact with

The Innovation Support at Umeå University

The University lawyers 

Research Support and Collaboration Office, FOS 

Questions regarding collaboration and horizontal criteria

What is the representation of women and men in the steering group, reference group and project group? How have these groups been appointed? Nominations? Recruitments?

Latest update: 2023-02-28