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The Innovation Office aims to give support, inspiration and information that aid innovations and utilisation. Please, get in contact if it sounds interesting.
If you are unsure who to contact, please send an email to info@umuholding.se.
Mobile: +46 70-522 85 51
Email: camilla.viklund@umuholding.se
Business developer
Mobile: +46 70 319 01 45
Email: charlotta.sundin@umuholding.se
Mobile: 46+ 79-508 87 84
Email: christopher.frisk@umuholding.se
Mobile: +46 70-526 81 14
Email: daniel.hoffman@umuholding.se
Communications officer
Mobile: +46 70-283 61 43
Email: evelinn.appelkvis@umuholding.se
IP- and innovation lawyer (leave of absence)
Mobile: +46 70-161 15 91
Email: johan.nordlund@umuholding.se
Project Coordinator (leave of absence)
Mobile: +46 70-524 54 34
Email: karin.borge-renberg@umuholding.se
Project manager
Mobile: +46 70-524 64 84
Email: mats.falck@umuholding.se
Mobile: +46 70-279 72 50
Email: samuel.isaksson@umuholding.se
Brand strategist
Mobile: +46 70-300 29 81
Email: sara.olofsdotter@umuholding.se
A Working LabUniversums gränd 8, Universum, Umeå
Uminova Science ParkTvistevägen 47, Umeå
Email: info@umuholding.se