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Utilization of the results

What does one do with a finished solution, recommendation or product? Who takes it forward, and what is the vision for its continued operation/commercialisation?

Part of project planning is considering what to do with the results produced by the project. Spending time on this question can be complex, but it is very important. 

What happens with the finished solution, recommendation, method, service or product?

Well in advance, give thought to this question, and discuss which organisation could be the beneficiary and how the results can be taken forward. 

Resulting in a service/mode of working

If a service or a mode of working is the result, it is important to involve the relevant units/individuals in your own organisation in early discussion and possibly as a project partner. For example, if the service will be used by a public health care provider, acceptance is needed from the business that will use it as well as other units involved, such as system management/IT. In most cases, some form of decision, possibly including procurement, is required to utilise the results in the beneficiary organisation.

Resulting in a product

If an actual product is being developed, what is to be done depends once again on the beneficiary and intended utilisation. Some products need to be developed and then commercialised. Consider whether the finished result will be spun off into a start-up company or whether it should be handed over/sold to an existing company. 

This should be discussed within the consortium to make the process as smooth as possible and avoid ambiguities. It should also be defined already in the project agreement.  

Involve beneficiaries early

How is continued operation or commercialization envisioned? If the results are to be implemented in regular health care activities, the beneficiaries need to be involved early in the process and describe the current situation and needs. The involvement of the beneficiary in the project, as a partner or in a reference group or similar, can complement this process.

Tools to facilitate utilization

Developing in a wanted direction

The ideal is to develop a solution that fits a market need and achieve a marketable product with minimal time and funding. Prototyping is a method of early product development to effectively test an idea against the target audience before going to production. If you are interested in prototyping, please contact us and make use of our workshop materials.

A tool for innovation projects: the game plan (in Swedish) on the Swelife website

How mature is the technology?

Here is a description of how technology maturity is expressed in Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). Read more about TLR levels.

It is also possible to describe the maturity of a company in Business Readiness Levels (BRL).
Read more about BRL levels.

Latest update: 2023-02-24