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About partners

Partners can look very different and come from a wide range of sectors, countries and organisations. Each programme has its own requirements, just as each project has its own unique needs.

Each programme has different requirements for what kinds of partnerships the project needs. Some programmes require partners from at least three different countries, while others are aimed at individual companies and require no partners at all. To know what applies to the specific programme, it is important to read the application documents carefully. 

What kind of partner do I need?

It is important to consider the nature of the partnership. The sectors and groupings that can contribute to solving the challenges addressed by the project should be represented.

Relevant disciplines within academia for research grants: 

  • Public sector as a provider or solution owner
  • Users/patients as needs owners
  • Private sector for, e.g., detailed solutions, expertise, production resources or utilisation of results

Consider what each competence can contribute to the project.

Don't forget to consider geographical distribution. Some programmes, e.g., require international partners. One additional dimension, which may not be made explicit, is the wish that partners come from different parts of Europe, East–West as well as North–South. 


Latest update: 2023-02-16