IceLab Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellows

Meet the IceLab Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellows

The IceLab multidisciplinary postdoctoral fellows, funded by Kempestiftelserna, are the drivers of collaborative projects between researchers from different disciplines. Their home is IceLab. Find out who they are and what they are working on. 

Incoming multidisciplinary postdoctoral fellows

Corentin Fournier: Environmental paleomicrobiology: Inferring community composition and function from metabolic fossils; Eric Capo (Assistant Professor at Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, UMU), Eric Libby (Associate Professor at Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, IceLab, UMU) 

Henrik Høiberg Jessen: Mining the world’s largest historical eDNA dataset for ecosystem interdependencies, causality, and human impacts; Åke Brännström (Professor at Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, IceLab, UMU), Per Stenberg (Associate Professor at Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, UMU) 

Mohd Ilyas: Outer membrane tethering in Gram-negative bacteria; AndreĢ Mateus (Assistant Professor at Department of Chemistry, MIMS); Felipe Cava (Professor at Department of Molecular Biology, MIMS, IceLab Affiliate); Ludvig Lizana (Associate Professor at Department of Physics, IceLab) 

Current IceLab Multidisciplinary Postdocs

A man standing in front of a painting of trees

Guilherme Barros, Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellow

Understanding causality and causal relationships. Collects interests and pastimes as a hobby.

A man with a beard standing in front of a painting

Adriano Bonforti, Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellow

Disruption of symbiosis in tropical corals and other organisms. Weird jokes as a way of life.

A woman standing in front of a painting of trees

Yun-Ting Jang, Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellow

Theoretical ecologist working on sustainable multi-trophic farming system. Loves being in nature.

A man standing in front of a painting of birch trees

Juhee Lee, Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellow

Modelling arctic soil networks. Likes to associate unrelated thoughts.

A woman standing in front of a painting of birch trees

Jyoti Verma, Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellow

Microbial genomics in complex communities at the single-cell level. Loves nature and enjoys the little things!

Latest update: 2025-01-31