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Doctoral students

Doctoral students within GRADE


Katarina Parfa Koskinen, Umeå University

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Katarina Parfa Koskinen, Doctoral student at the Department of Education, Umeå University.

Min yrkesbakgrund är främst som språklärare i åldrarna 10-15 år men jag har arbetat inom hela spektrumet av åldrar och stadier samt ämnen under mina 15-17 år som praktiserande lärare. 2012 utsågs jag till projektledare för en statlig satsning inom Luleå kommun som syftar till att öka inkluderingen av romer i samhället genom att motverka diskriminerande strukturer inom organisationen. Det ledde till att jag skrev en masteruppsats som analyserade de ämnespositioner som romerna erbjöd både historiskt och i dag där mitt empiriska material bestod av en vitbok som presenterades av den svenska regeringen 2014, som beskrev övergrepp och kränkningar mot romer i Sverige i 1900-talet.
Hösten 2018 började jag min nuvarande tjänst som doktorand i utbildningsvetenskap vid Umeå University och tittade närmare på online samisk språk K-9 utbildning inom Samiska Utbildningsstyrelsen. Förutom att vara en del av den nationella forskarskolan för digital teknik i utbildningen – förkortat GRADE, är jag också en del av Forskarskolan för utbildningsvetenskap vid Umeå University.
Eftersom jag själv tillhör en urbefolkad minoritet, som samerna är, gäller mina huvudsakliga intressen styrande faktorer bakom olika strukturer, fenomen och praxis. Jag vill veta varför saker och ting sköts som de är, skälen och imaginärerna bakom de beslut som fattas. Maktstrukturer ligger alltid i bakgrunden som grund för den typen av frågor, nästan omöjliga att undvika, vilket resulterar i att jag alltid kommer tillbaka till den sortens frågor på ett eller annat sätt.

Personal Website Umeå University: https://www.umu.se/en/staff/kapa0006/
E-mail: katarina.parfa.koskinen@umu.se

Karoline Schnaider, Umeå University


Karoline Schnaider, Doctoral student at the Department of Education, Umeå University.

My future research will focus on student’s meaning-making based on digital tools and resources and the meaning potential different resources have and the affordance pupils learning will yield. In a close-up perspective on meaning-making, how teaching can be created digitally and how the role of the teachers and students as co-designers, can mould and create implications for teacher and student practice and application design. One of the many challenges regarding digitalization in schools today is the close-up perspective on the meaning of different resources and its usage for meaning-making, and how the usage can contribute to development on different levels. In a social semiotic multimodal perspective, there are theories that can constitute scope for further investigation of these perspectives and Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Furthermore, accessibility will to provide a comprehensive framework.

Personal Website Umeå University: https://www.umu.se/en/staff/karoline-schnaider/
E-mail: karoline.schnaider@umu.se

Supervisor: Limin Gu, Umeå University, limin.gu@umu.se
Assistant supervisor: Oscar Rantatalo, Umeå University, oscar.rantatalo@umu.se


Alumni in GRADE

Doctoral students within UPGRADE


Marie Bengtsson, Halmstad University


Marie Bengtsson, School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Halmstad University

Personal Website Halmstad University: https://www.hh.se/pdben?person=95C89373-EDB7-4171-8C56-AC295E223DC0
E-mail: marie.bengtsson@hh.se

Jennie Berg, Jönköping University


Jennie Berg, Doctoral student at the Department of Language, Aesthetic Learning and Literature, Jönköping University

Jennies thesis is derived from her interest in fiction literature in teaching and how teachers can use digital tools in this regard. As the book reading have decreased and the trend, as well as level of, digitization has accelerated, thoughts have arisen about how to take advantage of digitization and its opportunities and how to let it imbue the school and the teaching in a pervasive way. Jennie is therefore interested of in what way the opportunities with digitization can put the children’s books in the centre and how to evolve the literature teaching. Furthermore, she also wants to examine how this can enhance the reading comprehension of the pupils. In the research the focus is on the teachers in the grades F-3 and their perceptions.

Jennie has a background as a teacher in the grades F-6. She enjoys spending time with family and friends and engaging in exercise and outdoor activities.

Personal Website Jönköping University: https://ju.se/en/personinfo?sign=BERJEN
E-mail: jennie.berg@ju.se

Lisa Brandstedt, Mid Sweden University


Lisa Brandstedt, Doctoral student at Mid Sweden University.

Personal Website Mid Sweden University: https://www.miun.se/en/personnel/b/lisabrandstedt/
E-mail: lisa.brandstedt@miun.se

Sandra Carlsson, University West


Sandra Carlsson. Doctoral student at University West.

Personal Website University West: https://www.hv.se/en/staff/sandra-carlsson/
E-mail: sandra.carlsson@hv.se

Izabella Csonka, University of Gothenburg


Izabella Csonka is a member of the Graduate School UPGRADE and a doctoral student at the Department of Applied IT, with orientation to educational sciences at the University of Gothenburg.

With a teacher background I attained a master’s degree in educational research (MSc) at the University of Gothenburg in 2016. Throughout the years I have taught in various school forms and have been involved in research projects at the Department of Education, Communication and Learning at the University of Gothenburg.

My overall research interest is to investigate digital learning platforms and their implications for learning. Essentially, my focus concerns the interplay between learning and digital environments and what it means for students and teachers to pursue studies and conduct teaching in a digital landscape.

Technology and digital environments create new contexts for learning and may even change our perception of what knowledge is and how it is attained. In addition, technology-mediated environments, such as learning platforms provide new spaces to develop and to practice digital competences, which is of central importance both at an individual and a social level. Thus, this may involve implications for the teacher training and school digitalization and raises questions about how technology is used in a learning context, how students experience their own learning in a more and more digitalized school system and how teachers accommodate their teaching practice.

Personal Website University of Gothenburg: https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/izabellabanyai
E-mail: izabella.csonka@ait.gu.se

Patricia Diaz, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

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Patricia Diaz, Doctoral student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Since 2017, Patricia has been employed as a pedagogical developer at KTH and has mainly worked there within the MOOC team (edX) and in the working group for digital examinations. In autumn 2020, she was hired as a full-time doctoral student at KTH. The focus of her doctoral position is to study how teacher educators develop their competence to integrate digital tools in their teaching to support the learning of teacher students. For example, she is interested in how response systems are used to promote student participation in teacher education. On a more general level, her research interests lie in school digitalization, digital competence and the use of digital tools. Patricia is a high school teacher in English and Spanish (graduated in 2010) and has always had a great interest in languages, learning and digitization. During her eight years as a teacher at various high schools in the Stockholm area, she has always strived to develop the use of digital tools in a way that supports the students' learning in different ways.

Personal Website KTH: https://www.kth.se/profile/pdiaz?l=en
E-mail: pdiaz@kth.se

Eva-Lena Forslind, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Eva-Lena Forslind, Doctoral student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Personal Website KTH: https://www.kth.se/profile/elforsli?l=en
E-mail: elforsli@kth.se

Martin Holmgren, Umeå University


Martin Holmgren, Doctoral student at the Department of Education, Umeå University, since the autumn of 2020 and with experiences working as a primary school teacher, preschool teacher, and special needs teacher.

My research has its origins in the 18 years when I worked as a teacher, especially in the lower ages of primary school. With further education as a special needs teacher, my understanding and interest in the special education field increased.

Professional experiences point to the fact that properly used educational technology can promote development at both school, group and individual level. It is from these experiences, which over the years have grown to become a pedagogical interest, that I depart to analyse from a more theoretical perspective through my research that is directed towards digitalization of the school system with a specific focus on special education and teacher education. In line with society’s increased expectations and requirements regarding the somewhat vague concept of “digital competence”, I am interested in examining how the special education programs have changed in accordance with these requirements.

I am also a registered member of a family consisting of a wife, two children and myself. It is with these that I like to hang around, preferably in our cottage’s rowing boat or forest. Friends and other family members are also close to my heart. People close to me would probably say that I have a certain interest in sports in general, and the local hockey team Björklöven in particular.

Personal Website Umeå University: https://www.umu.se/en/staff/martin-holmgren/
E-mail: martin.holmgren@umu.se

Svea Kiesewetter, University of Gothenburg

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Svea Kiesewetter, Doctoral student at University of Gothenburg.

Svea has earned a Master of Education at Bremen University in Germany in 2017 and has since then worked in schools in Germany, Ireland and Sweden. In 2019, she earned a graduate degree in the International Master’s Program in Information Technology and Learning at Gothenburg University. Since August 2019, Svea works as a doctoral student at the division for Learning, Communication and IT at the institution of Applied Information Technology and is part of the Graduate Research School in Educational Sciences at the Centre for Educational Sciences and Teacher Research (Centrum för utbildningsvetenskap och lärarforskning, CUL).

Situated within the field of Critical Data Studies, Svea explores datafication processes and practices, specifically digital socio-technical data and policy configurations in the Swedish school context. Currently, she is analysing Swedish policy with a focus on problematizing interoperability discourses in education. Her dissertation work is part of two research projects, BalancED and RED.

Personal Website University of Gothenburg: https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/sveakiesewetter
E-mail: svea.kiesewetter@ait.gu.se

Christina Löfving, University of Gothenburg


Christina Löfving, Doctoral student at the Center for Educational Science and Teacher Research (CUL) at the Department of Applied Information Technology, Gothenburg University.

I am affiliated with the research school Upgrade. In the 90s, I qualified as a primary school teacher and then I have earned my master’s degree in Pedagogy/ Action Research.

My research interest is in students’ and teachers’ understanding of students’ different expressions of digital competence and its consequences for education.

I have worked as a primary school teacher for a long time and during a period I worked as an ICT facilitator. I have also worked as a middle leader in combination with teaching. During the last years, I have been a lecturer at the Department of Education and Special Education, Gothenburg University. As a teacher, I have had a lot of different foci, but one of them has been school digitalization. I have written a book, book chapter, and teacher’s guides on the subject and I have been giving lectures. There is still a lot to learn and I enjoy being a Ph.D. student and hope to be able to contribute to the research field.

Personal Website University of Gothenburg: https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/christinalofving
E-mail: christina.lofving@ait.gu.se

Amelie Nebes, University of Gävle


Amelie Nebes, Doctoral student in pedagogy with a focus on digital quality work in the preschool.

I have previously worked as a preschool teacher and more recently also with quality processes. In addition, I have been involved in the development of structures for the monitoring and evaluation of activities in the preschool and mentorship. I have a master’s degree in curriculum studies and am currently working as a doctoral student in pedagogy. In my PhD studies I will investigate how digital systems are used in quality work and what the possibilities and challenges are for everyday professional pedagogical- and quality work. My studies will also focus on implementation processes and competence development. Questions relating to how digital systems are formed and can contribute to quality- and operational development in the preschool are also of interest in my thesis work.

E-mail: amelie.nebes@hig.se

Simon Skog, Umeå University


Simon Skog, Doctoral student at the Department of Education, Umeå University.

My research area is practice-based research about synchronous online learning and didactics. I'm active in the research group LICT (Learning and ICT) and in the ULF-project (Development, Learning, Research).

Personal Website Umeå University: https://www.umu.se/en/staff/simon-skog/
E-mail: simon.skog@umu.se

Johanna Velander, Linnaeus University


Johanna Velander, Doctoral student at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Linnaeus University.

She holds a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Stirling in Scotland and a recent MSc with a specialization in social media and web technologies. She has previously worked with web development and consultancy in digital presence and strategies for start-up companies.

Personal Website Linnaeus University: https://lnu.se/en/staff/johanna.velander/
E-mail: johanna.velander@lnu.se

Erik Winerö, University of Gothenburg


Erik Winerö, Doctoral student at Department of Applied IT, Division of Learning, Communication & IT, University of Gothenburg. 

Personal Website University of Gothenburg: https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/erikwinero
E-mail: erik.winero@ait.gu.se

Rafael Zerega, Linnaeus University


Rafael Zerega, Doctoral student at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Linnaeus University.

Technology carrying out studies regarding the use of ICT tools aimed at enhancing education. This doctoral program has a special focus on computational thinking (CT) as a crucial component of the current process of digitalization that is taking place in Sweden and many countries around the globe aimed at developing digital competences in students and enhancing the teaching and learning process in K-12 education. Computational thinking is the thought process involved in formulating a problem and expressing its solution in a logical manner so that any person (or computer) can carry it out in an effective way. Finally, this doctoral research will also focus on the use of microcontrollers such as Arduino and other similar systems in order to build innovative interactive physical solutions for education by using so called tangible computing. The goal is to introduce young students in the world of algorithm design and programming so that they will be able to solve problems using rational and logical thinking in order to acquire the skills needed for facing the challenges of 21st society.

Rafael holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Media Technology from Södertörn University, with a strong focus on user-centered design and human-computer interaction (HCI) and he has worked as interaction designer in different companies developing web and mobile applications.

Personal Website Linnaeus University: https://lnu.se/en/staff/rafael.zerega/
E-mail: rafael.zerega@lnu.se

Alex Örtegren, Umeå University


Alex Örtegren, Doctoral student at the Department of Applied Educational Science, Umeå University.

I have taught English and History in Sweden and Norway primarily at the upper-secondary school level but also at the comprehensive school level (grades 7-9). Also, I have worked as a vice principal. Aside from teaching and school leadership, I have been involved in several projects in the field of digitalization, for instance local projects relating to the development of digital didactics, professional development programs, and implementation processes of learning platforms. Moreover, I have been a member of groups whose function has been to form a bridge between teachers and the strategic municipal level. Furthermore, I have been a participant in a EU research project focusing on digital response systems, given a presentation at Dalarna University and a lecture to student teachers at Örebro University.

In my role as a doctoral student I focus on digitalization, teacher education, and citizenship. A new national strategy for the digitalization of K-12 schools in Sweden (2017) stresses the term ‘adequate digital competence’, but what does that actually mean? The policy is devised in a way that is open to interpretation which, in turn, could result in different opportunities for student teachers to develop skills in the field of digital didactics that can promote the development of pupils’ citizenship knowledge and skills as digital citizens.

Personal Website Umeå University: https://www.umu.se/en/staff/alex-ortegren/
E-mail: alex.ortegren@umu.se

Alumni in UPGRADE

Doctoral students within LIKED


Sandra Aghogho Ebojoh, University West

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Sandra Aghogho Ebojoh, Doctoral student at the Department of Business Administration, University West.

My main research interests are in leadership and learning in hybrid work. I have worked as a banker for 12 years and started my PhD studies in Work-Integrated Learning at University West in the autumn of 2022. I research organizations operating in hybrid settings, focusing on their interactions, power dynamics, organizational culture, and learning processes occurring at different levels. I aim to increase the understanding of leadership and learning in hybrid work environments, where leaders have the important role of managing the interplay between human relations and digital technology adoption in the workplace. To enhance workplace practice, communication, interaction, and learning in hybrid settings, both the perspectives of the leaders and the co-workers will be taken into account.

Personal Website University West: https://www.hv.se/en/staff/sandra-aghogho-ebojoh/
E-mail: sandra.ebojoh@hv.se

Supervisor: Karin Högberg, University West, karin.hogberg@hv.se
Assistant supervisor: William Jobe, University West, william.jobe@hv.se

Rasha Al Massalmeh, Halmstad University


Rasha Al Massalmeh
, Doctoral student at​​ Halmstad University and University of Gothenburg.

My main research interest is digital learning in schools within second language learning context, particularly remote second language teaching and learning. As a previous English language teacher, I consider that studying a second language learning through digital technologies can provide opportunities but impose challenges for both teachers and learners. Thus, a deep analysis of the use of technology to support teaching and learning might impact on the educational field and provide more structured learning experiences. I chose to focus on remote settings in a second language context because I believe that this is the future of our educational systems, within a culturally open world. My interest is on how teachers manage their remote classes within Swedish as a second language context, so to say, their experiences of designing and managing teaching, adaptation strategies and appropriate digital competence. Exploring these experiences can help in understanding the remote learning environment more deeply, thus, promote our future teaching and learning environments.

Personal Website Halmstad University: https://www.hh.se/english/information-english/search-staff.html?person=D08EED06-9CC7-4A50-A38F-121FBF74AF58
E-mail: rasha.al-massalmeh@hh.se

Supervisor: Pernilla Nilsson, Halmstad University, pernilla.nilsson@hh.se
Assistant supervisor: Jeanette Sjöberg, Halmstad University, jeanette.sjoberg@hh.se
Assistant supervisor: Marie Utterberg Modén, University of Gothenburg, marie.utterberg@ait.gu.se

Iuliana Badica, University of Gothenburg


Iuliana Badica, Doctoral Student at the Department of Education, Communication and Learning, University of Gothenburg.

The focus of my dissertation revolves around the concept of learning in science centers, specifically delving into the definition and differentiation of the learning experiences one can anticipate in an informal setting, with a focus on science centers. This collaborative research project is conducted in partnership between the University of Gothenburg and Universeum, a renowned science center known for its diverse interactive exhibits that facilitate immersive and hands-on learning experiences. The dissertation investigates the learning opportunities offered by a range of interactive exhibits, as well as how visitors engage with these technologies to construct meaning. By delving into these aspects, the primary aim of this research is to deepen our understanding of learning processes within science centers and to examine the way visitors engage with various interactive exhibits to facilitate learning.

Personal Website University of Gothenburg: https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/iulianamihaelabadica
E-mail: iuliana.badica@gu.se

Supervisor: Lena Pareto, University of Gothenburg, lena.pareto@gu.se
Assistant Supervisor: Mikaela Åberg, University of Gothenburg, mikaela.aberg@ped.gu.se

Tim Bergström, Umeå University


Tim Bergström, Doctoral student at the Department of Education, Umeå University.

My research interests concern the educational processes surrounding the digital world of gaming. I have worked as a teacher a few years before I embarked on my PhD project, and I have an interest in gamification and game-based learning. In my PhD project, however, my main focus consists of the informal socialization processes into the gaming culture. Through a Bourdieusian perspective on the becoming of human beings, I study how and why digital gamers become digital gamers in a time when a digital hobby is increasingly formalized through the emergence of esports and the gaming industry in Sweden.

Personal Website Umeå University: https://www.umu.se/en/staff/tim-bergstrom/
E-mail: tim.bergstrom@umu.se

Supervisor: Fanny Pettersson, Department of Education, Umeå University, fanny.pettersson@umu.se
Assistant supervisor: Jörgen From, Department of Education, Umeå University, jorgen.from@umu.se

Romain Herault, Linnaeus University


Romain Herault, Doctoral student at the department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Linnaeus University.

My main research interests are the different usage of probabilistic interactive videos for training purposes. I have worked with video production and interactive design for the last 15 years, which led me to start a PhD in Computer and Information Sciences in 2022 at Linnaeus University. I work closely with Emergency Medical Services to improve their training methods and tools. The next few years will bring me to provide training scenarios to hundreds of Police students and analyse the impact of probabilistic interactive video training. This work led to the development of a web-based training tool used by over 250 students each semester. This tool, integral to my research, is now being extended in collaboration with the Police Academy at Linnaeus University. Our objective is to provide advanced training to police students and analyse the impact of this technology. I aim to improve training methodologies and facilitate more effective and engaging learning experiences.

Personal Website Linnaeus University: https://lnu.se/en/staff/romain.herault/
E-mail: romain.herault@lnu.se

Iosif Gidiotis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Iosif Gidiotis, Doctoral student at the Department of Learning, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

My main research interests include digital technologies in education and speculative futures for education. I have worked as a learning technologist and educational developer in higher education in Greece, Ireland and the United Kingdom before starting my PhD in early 2023.

My current research focuses on the intersection of technology and education and, more specifically, on how certain technologies might affect the future of teaching and learning. In my research, I am using social science fiction, also known as speculative or education fiction, to investigate the (im)possible education futures and how these can help better inform our current practice.

Personal Website KTH: https://www.kth.se/profile/gidiotis?l=en
E-mail: gidiotis@kth.se

Supervisor: Stefan Hrastinski, KTH, stefanhr@kth.se
Assistant supervisor: Stefan Stenbom, KTH, stkn@kth.se

Ida Naimi-Akbar, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

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Ida Naimi-Akbar, Doctoral student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Personal Website KTH: https://www.kth.se/profile/idna
E-mail: idna@kth.se

Asuka Ohagi, Umeå University

Asuka Ohagi
, Doctoral Student at the department of Education, Umeå university.

My main research interests are the students’ and teachers’ interaction and socialisation process in teaching and learning with several foci including collaborative leaning and ICT. Throughout my career, I have worked with education policies mostly with large scale international comparative research such as PISA and TALIS. I worked at a research institute in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan as a specialist for international research. I also worked for the OECD as an analyst. Additionally, I have actively engaged in UNESCO activities especially Education for Sustainable Development.

Currently, I am involved in a project concerning innovative learning environment. The project aims to see how student centredness in learning changes over time and especially how ICT and AI play a role in the school which was design to foster innovation in teaching. This longitudinal research will have ample angles to explore long standing issues in education such as effective team teaching and student well-being.

Personal Website: https://www.umu.se/en/staff/asuka-ohagi/
E-mail: asuka.ohagi@umu.se

Jonas Pettersson, University West

Jonas Pettersson, Doctoral student at the Department of Business, Economics and IT, University West.

My main research interests are the information behaviours and strategies used by specialist physicians and how these affect their continuous professional development. I have a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science and have worked in hospital libraries, in the private medical sector as an Information Search expert, and at university libraries, trying to help medical professionals with clinical and research-oriented information searches. I am part of a project in the Västra Götalands Regionen aiming to develop Professional Development Courses for specialist physicians.

E-mail: jonas.pettersson@hv.se

Alena Saredko, University of Gothenburg


Alena Saredko, Doctoral student at the Department of Education, Communication, and Learning, University of Gothenburg. 

The focus of my dissertation is professionals’ knowledge practices and learning on a large-scale online platform. By taking a sociomaterial and practice-based perspective and an ethnographic orientation, I examine situated knowledge practices of software developers in relation to both the social dimension of online interactions among users and the materialities of a particular platform, its interfaces, and algorithms. The research project aims to contribute to the understanding of how professionals' engagements with online platforms are organized, and how online platforms become prominent in professionals' work.

Personal Website University of Gothenburg: https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/alenaseredko
E-mail: alena.seredko@gu.se

Supervisor: Thomas Hillman, University of Gothenburg, thomas.hillman@ait.gu.se
Assistant supervisor: Mona Lundin, University of Gothenburg, mona.lundin@ped.gu.se
Assistant supervisor: Markus Nivala, University of Gothenburg, markus.nivala@gu.se 

Elisa Serrano, Umeå University


Elisa Serrano, Doctoral student at the Department of Education, Umeå University.

My primary research focus revolves around immersive technologies and their influence on the communication of history. Since completing my bachelor’s degree in art history, I have engaged in various fields related to archaeology, history, and history education. Additionally, I have pursued three master's programs—Education, Methods and Techniques of Historical Research, and Digital Humanities. This educational background reflects my profound interest in researching and communicating history in both effective and responsible ways.

In the spring of 2022, I commenced my position as a Ph.D. student at Umeå University in the Department of Education. My ongoing research delves into the interplay of immersive virtual reality in the learning experience of history, presenting diverse opportunities and risks that must be carefully considered before implementation.

Personal Website Umeå University: https://www.umu.se/en/staff/elisa-serrano/
E-mail: elisa.serrano@umu.se

Supervisor: Eva Mårell-Olsson. Umeå University, eva.marell-olsson@umu.se
Assistant supervisor: J. Ola Lindberg, Umeå University, ola.j.lindberg@umu.se

Hanna Skarelius, KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Hanna Skarelius, Doctoral student at the Department of Learninga, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

In my research, I am interested in practical knowledge and how videos can demonstrate expertise and assess learning and abilities based on what is shown in the videos. I worked as a crafts teacher in elementary school for 20 years before starting graduate school in the fall of 2021 at the Royal University of Technology in Stockholm at the Department of Learning. My research is about how students demonstrate knowledge and abilities with video without necessarily having to explain the skills in words. This form of demonstrating knowledge is studied so that students will have more significant opportunities to show what they can do, not only in writing or orally in words.

Personal Website KTH: https://www.kth.se/profile/hannaska?l=en
E-mail: hannaska@kth.se

Supervisor: Stefan Hrastinski, KTH, stefanhr@kth.se
Assistant supervisor: Olga Viberg, KTH, oviberg@kth.se

Malin Strihagen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

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Malin Strihagen, Doctoral student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Personal Website KTH: https://www.kth.se/profile/engqu
E-mail: engqu@kth.se

Lisa Sällvin, Mid Sweden University


Lisa Sällvinn,  Doctoral student in Information Systems at Mid Sweden University.

In my research, I am interested in how to create a more gender-inclusive computer science education. I hold a master’s degree in engineering with experience in the IT industry, and in recent years, I have worked as a lecturer at Mid Sweden University. I started my doctoral journey in February 2023. Technology is not neutral, and broader participation in the design and construction of digital technology is crucial for a sustainable future. An interesting concept that I am exploring in connection with computer science education is epistemological pluralism, which implies embracing multiple, diverse ways of knowing, understanding, and creating knowledge.

At Mid Sweden University, I am affiliated with the Forum for Digitalization and the research group Software Engineering and Education. Mid Sweden University has two campuses, Sundsvall and Östersund. I live in Sundsvall and occasionally commute by bicycle and train to Östersund.

Outside of work, I run code and maker clubs for young girls and boys, Geek Girl Mini Sundsvall and Makerdojo Sundsvall.

Personal Website Mid Sweden University: https://www.miun.se/en/personnel/s/lisasallvin/
E-mail: lisa.sallvin@miun.se

Supervisor: Lena-Maria Öberg, Mid Sweden University, lena-maria.oberg@miun.se
Assistant supervisor: Peter Mozelius, Mid Sweden University, peter.mozelius@miun.se

Anneli Tunberg, University West


Anneli Tunberg, Doctoral student at the Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, University West.

My main research interests are within the digitalisation of preschool, and what its implications are for consideration of children’s rights and for working life in preschool. More specifically, my research project is about exploring how the digital teaching practice in preschool can be designed from a children’s rights perspective. This is to be done collaboratively, together with preschool staff and children, and includes exploration of what happens both in practice and in the learning processes of the staff.

Personal Website University West: https://www.hv.se/en/staff/anneli-tunberg/
E-mail: anneli.tunberg@hv.se

Supervisor: Marie-Heléne Zimmerman Nilsson, University West, marie-helene.zimmerman-nilsson@hv.se
Assistant supervisor: Sara Willermark, University West, sara.willermark@hv.se
Assistant supervisor: Sevtap Gurdal, University West, sevtap.gurdal@hv.se

Bo Yang, University of Gothenburg


Bo Yang, Doctoral student at the Department of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg.

My research interest stands within learning interactions in MOOCs, especially into the emerging technics, tools and platforms which potentially enhance the online learning interactivity among learners. In the usual research, I rely primarily on quantitative methods including web crawling, statistical analysis, data and social network analysis. I am a big fan of data analysis and data visualization using R. Before starting the PhD career at University of Gothenburg, he first worked as a teacher in a high school in China and then as an assistant researcher in educational technology at Beijing Normal University, China.

Personal Website University of Gothenburg: https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/boyang
E-mail: bo.yang@gu.se

Supervisor: Oskar Lindwall, Department of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg, oskar.lindwall@gu.se
Assistant supervisor: Mattias Rost, Department of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg, mattias.rost@ait.gu.se

Nathalie Östergård, University West


Nathalie Östergård, Doctoral student at the department of Business Administration, University West.

My main research interests are leadership in a sociotechnical hybrid work environment. Especially human-centric challenges and disruptive processes.

I have worked for a decade at an audit firm, most recently in management consulting: 2018-2023. My curiosity led me to various academic merits, MSc Digital business development, BSc Business Administration, and 135 ECTS in Psychology. All, which led me to start a PhD in 2023.

I conduct my research within a project called LeadHybrid, which aims to explore how the digital and hybrid workplace challenge existing leadership and co-workership cultures in the industry, related to innovation capabilities and expertise in hybrid, global workplaces. The project aims to address how the industry is reframed by hybrid workplaces, resulting in a human-centric framework. My research focuses on the leadership perspective, involving several hundred leaders in two global, high-tech industrial companies. The next two years will provide insights into what leaders face in a hybrid sociotechnical work context. This research has already revealed insights into changes in how to trust and cross-cultural leadership challenges.

Personal Website University West: https://www.hv.se/personal/nathalie-ostergard/
E-mail: nathalie.ostergard@hv.se

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Latest update: 2025-01-17