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Profiles and Features

Oliver BillkerProfessor vid Institutionen för molekylärbiologiEnhet: Grupp Oliver BillkerAnknuten som forskare till Molekylär Infektionsmedicin, Sverige (MIMS)Roll: Föreståndare
Insight into the life of the malaria parasite could lead to new drugs

Oliver Billker studies 5000 genes of malaria parasite in fight against one of the world’s deadliest diseases.

SIF Umeå
SIF Umeå

Students in Research - an initiative to reduce the step into the research world

Johan RedströmProfessor vid Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet
Sustainable design for the future goes beyond individual needs

Researcher Johan Redström challenges the traditional view of design and who it is really for.

Åsa Strand,  professor vid Institutionen för fysiologisk botanik
Understanding plant signaling systems for more resilient crops

Åsa Strand wants to develop robust crops to ensure food security for the world's population.

Del av jordklotet. Europa sett från rymden med atmosfär och moln.
Building Bridges Through Erasmus+

Umeå University's Erasmus+ Collaboration with Ukrainian and Moldovan Higher Education Institutions.

Man framför filmduk som visar en matematisk matris. Han bär ljusblå skjorta och han har en mikrofonmygga kring örat.
From a techy childhood to a multinational tech company

Thomas Nilsson, former computing science student and PhD student, talks about his career path in an interview.

Full list of Profiles and Features

Open climate for groundbreaking research
Many testify that Umeå University has an ideal environment for interdisciplinary and innovative research.
Published: 2020-12-03
In order to develop good collaborations, we need to meet
Maria Nilsson is a professor of public health science and member of the UTRI steering committee.
Published: 2020-11-25
Sustainability and transformation require an interdisciplinary approach
Jon Moen is professor at EMG and steering group member in Umeå Transformation Research Initiative.
Published: 2020-11-20
Various perspectives on sustainability issues are necessary
Interview with Erland Mårald from the UTRI Steering Committee, Umeå Transformation Research Initiative.
Published: 2020-11-12
Changing one’s behaviour is the key to sustainable transition
Annika Nordlund is docent of psychology and steering group member in Umeå Transformation Research Initiative.
Published: 2020-11-11
The Industrial Doctoral School is more than just business
"The Industrial Doctoral School will always be close to my heart,” remarks Kristina Sehlin MacNeil.
Published: 2020-11-09
Business contacts led to a job after graduation
Jonas Westberg was one of the first doctoral students at IDS. Today, he works in the industry in Norway.
Published: 2020-11-09
Health and Medical care’s handling of social issues
Isabel Goicolea, Professor in public health
Published: 2020-11-06
Emmanuelle Charpentier: "I really miss the atmosphere at Umeå University"
Words of praise, memories and laughter. Celebrating Umeå's first Nobel laureate via a live web link.
Published: 2020-10-14
Affiliate receives close to 1 million in research grants from Forte
Forte gives 970,000 kr for a project on competence provision for social services in sparsely populated areas
Published: 2020-09-14
Organic pollutants can affect marine bacteria
Marine bacteria can be affected by organic pollutants.
Published: 2020-09-11
Increasing diversity in shallow coastal areas
The species diversity in coastal areas can increase as an effect of climate change.
Published: 2020-09-11
Swedish food strategy questioned in book on Arctic food security
Scientific anthology on food security in the Arctic released today
Published: 2020-09-10
“The best thing about IDS is the mixed disciplines”
Johan Iraeus does research on preventing and mitigating vehicle collision injuries at Chalmers.
Published: 2020-09-08
Toxic algae equipped for the future
The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii is well-equipped to meet climate change.
Published: 2020-08-14