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Profiles and Features

Oliver BillkerProfessor vid Institutionen för molekylärbiologiEnhet: Grupp Oliver BillkerAnknuten som forskare till Molekylär Infektionsmedicin, Sverige (MIMS)Roll: Föreståndare
Insight into the life of the malaria parasite could lead to new drugs

Oliver Billker studies 5000 genes of malaria parasite in fight against one of the world’s deadliest diseases.

SIF Umeå
SIF Umeå

Students in Research - an initiative to reduce the step into the research world

Johan RedströmProfessor vid Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet
Sustainable design for the future goes beyond individual needs

Researcher Johan Redström challenges the traditional view of design and who it is really for.

Åsa Strand,  professor vid Institutionen för fysiologisk botanik
Understanding plant signaling systems for more resilient crops

Åsa Strand wants to develop robust crops to ensure food security for the world's population.

Del av jordklotet. Europa sett från rymden med atmosfär och moln.
Building Bridges Through Erasmus+

Umeå University's Erasmus+ Collaboration with Ukrainian and Moldovan Higher Education Institutions.

Man framför filmduk som visar en matematisk matris. Han bär ljusblå skjorta och han har en mikrofonmygga kring örat.
From a techy childhood to a multinational tech company

Thomas Nilsson, former computing science student and PhD student, talks about his career path in an interview.

Full list of Profiles and Features

Ready to take on environmental and globalisation issues
Dohee Kim left Sweden as an independent entrepreneur.
Published: 2021-04-16
Why should you study at Umeå University?
2020 was a record year for the total number of students. Three students explain why they chose Umeå.
Published: 2021-04-13
ROBUST portrait: Johan Jansson
On climate transitions in the transportation system, opportunities and risks of circular economy.
Published: 2021-04-06
Modelling for global health
Maquines Sewe about his research and the ongoing project The Lancet Countdown.
Published: 2021-03-30
Understanding human nature through sports
Paul Davis wants to learn more about how emotions, stress, and relationships affect our performance.
Published: 2021-03-29
Moyukh Chowdhury – One of the new voices of Global Health
After a Master’s degree in Public Health Moyukh Chowdhury from Bangladesh decided to stay in Sweden.
Published: 2021-03-09
Finding sustainable solutions takes a whole team of people
Johan Jansson studies the norms and attitudes that drive more environmentally sustainable consumption.
Published: 2021-02-26
With an ambition to influence policy
Sofia Lundberg combines research on public procurement with the task of leading USBE.
Published: 2021-02-26
EU Arctic Forum in the actual Arctic
The EU Arctic Forum gathered decision-makers and researchers in Umeå to discuss the future of the Arctic
Published: 2021-02-11
Sweden's new Arctic strategy lacking local input
The Minister of Foreign Affairs presented Sweden's new Arctic strategy at Umeå Arctic Forum.
Published: 2021-02-04
The Library is highlighting LGBTQI literature during Umepride
Highlighting LGBTQI literature during Umepride is part of the equal opportunities work.
Published: 2021-01-29
Understanding our first language
Learning more about children’s motor behaviour can help develop early diagnostics and improved interventions.
Published: 2021-01-22
Enabling research – research data for future use
Professor Per Ambrosiani and Sanna Isabel Ulfsparre, librarian in a talk about research data.
Published: 2021-01-19
Targeting cancer cells without affecting healthy cells
Francesca Aguilos work lies at the cutting edge of biomedical research and cancer.
Published: 2020-12-10
Glaucoma – the silent thief of sight
“Despite decades of research, we still don’t know exactly what causes the disease.”
Published: 2020-12-10