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Profiles and Features

Virginia Dignum, professor vid Institutionen för datavetenskap
Professor: How we reduce the risks with AI

Virginia Dignum is working to develop AI systems that are reliable and adapted to human values.

Oliver BillkerProfessor vid Institutionen för molekylärbiologiEnhet: Grupp Oliver BillkerAnknuten som forskare till Molekylär Infektionsmedicin, Sverige (MIMS)Roll: Föreståndare
Insight into the life of the malaria parasite could lead to new drugs

Oliver Billker studies 5000 genes of malaria parasite in fight against one of the world’s deadliest diseases.

SIF Umeå
SIF Umeå

Students in Research - an initiative to reduce the step into the research world

Johan RedströmProfessor vid Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet
Sustainable design for the future goes beyond individual needs

Researcher Johan Redström challenges the traditional view of design and who it is really for.

Åsa Strand,  professor vid Institutionen för fysiologisk botanik
Understanding plant signaling systems for more resilient crops

Åsa Strand wants to develop robust crops to ensure food security for the world's population.

Del av jordklotet. Europa sett från rymden med atmosfär och moln.
Building Bridges Through Erasmus+

Umeå University's Erasmus+ Collaboration with Ukrainian and Moldovan Higher Education Institutions.

Full list of Profiles and Features

Socially intelligent systems in collaboration with humans
Helena Lindgren's research comprises basic research in AI and applications for increased health.
Published: 2020-04-22
“Important to keep things going and motivate the students”
Chemistry instructor William Siljebo thinks it's important to help the students with study techinques.
Published: 2020-04-21
Maps to explore the information space
Martin Rosvall is professor of theoretical physics with a specialization in computational science
Published: 2020-04-14
"Ask others how things are going and take walks outside"
Jakob Ljungkvist is enrolled in the media and communication studies programme and is studying remotely.
Published: 2020-04-08
When Umeå University completely transitioned to distance learning
Interview with Deputy Vice-Chancellor Heidi Hansson on the complete transition to distance education.
Published: 2020-04-07
“Set many alarm clocks and return to a normal school day routine"
Raman Ali, Master’s programme in industrial engineering and management, on studying remotely.
Published: 2020-04-07
Chasing unusual bacterial toxins
Professor Teresa Frisan is researching how so-called genotoxins affect mammalian cells.
Published: 2020-03-24
Umeå professor part in prestigious commission on Arctic Health
Read Arcum's interview on how Arctic health issues can be highlighted, and Umu:s unique work with the Arctic.
Published: 2020-03-23
Using ethics to shape AI in the best interest of humans
Virigina Dignum was inaugurated Professor of Social and Ethical Artificial Intelligence in 2019.
Published: 2020-03-18
Reliable cyber-physical systems for everyone's safety
In 2019 Zonghua Gu was installed as professor in technology in autonomous systems at Umeå University.
Published: 2020-03-16
Royal medal for her fight for women’s rights
Professor emerita Ellinor Ädelroth has been awarded for her significant humanitarian contributions.
Published: 2020-03-05
So much more edible food can be saved
The gastronomy programme is collaborating with a waste company to change behaviours and reduce food wastage.
Published: 2020-02-26
Algorithms that generate algorithms
Paolo Bientinesi was installed as professor for High-Performance Computing in 2019.
Published: 2020-02-25
Mixed forests are the future
Properly mixed forests are more valuable than the present-day monoculture, according to Micael Jonsson.
Published: 2020-02-24
The birth of sustainable development
Ulf Holmgren on the UN report "Our common future" which was crucial to viewpoints on sustainability.
Published: 2020-02-24