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Research groups

Peter Lind Lab
Modelling to predict the evolution of biofilm mutants and antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas bacteria
Queer Perspectives on Automated Facial Analysis Technology (Queer AI)
The Queer AI research group is engaged around issues of risks and opportunities with automated AI and facial analysis (FA) technology from a queer...
RElativistic Attosecond Physics Laboratory (REAL)
The goal of relativistic attosecond physics laboratory is laser-driven generation of the shortest light and electron pulses ever achieved, which ha...
Research area: Physical sciences
Responsible Artificial Intelligence
Read more about the research group Responsible Artificial Intelligence.
Research area: Computing science
Robotics and Control Lab (RCLab)
In the Robotics and Control Group (RCLab) at TFE, we focus on development of mathematical models for real-world systems and on their constructive use.
Ryo Morimoto lab
Our research group focuses on elucidating the processes that drive the diversification of antigen recognition molecules in the immune system.
Saskia Erttmann Lab
Unraveling the molecular mechanisms during the microbial-driven onset and resolution of inflammation
Semiparametric regression and numerical methods
We are interested in developing scalable methods for fitting generalized additive models with various shape constraints.
Research area: Mathematics, Statistics
Socially aware AI
Enhancing AI systems so they can be aware of their social context.
Research area: Computing science
Software Engineering and Security
Our research group develops tools and techniques to evaluate software during its whole lifecycle, making sure that it behaves correctly, identifyin...
Solomon Tesfalidet Lab
Electrochemical approaches in the fields of chemical analysis, material science, and cancer research.
Research area: Cancer, Materials science
Space Plasma Physics Group
The Umeå Space Plasma Physics Group focuses on studying naturally occurring plasmas in the solar system.
Research area: Physical sciences
Spatial Cognitive Engineering
Read more on Spatial Cognitive Engineering.
Research area: Computing science
Statistical Learning and Inference for Spatio-Temporal Data
Research in signal/image analysis and statistical learning and inference for spatio-temporal data.
Research area: Cancer, Mathematics, Statistics
Latest update: 2022-11-03