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Research groups

Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
More about our research in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
Research area: Mathematics
Mathematical Programming
Mathematical Programming Group develops theory, methods, and software for efficiently solving optimization and decision problems using modern...
Research area: Computing science, Mathematics
Matrix Computations with Applications
Read more about the research group Matrix Computations with Applications.
Research area: Computing science
Matthew Francis Lab
Francis' laboratory aims to understand the physiology and pathogenesis of bacteria.
Mattias Alenius
Our group is interested in the essential regulatory processes that control and maintain neuronal activity and which malfunction cause diseases like...
Max Renner lab
Molecular and biochemical mechanisms in viral replication and strategies viruses use to subvert host cells.
Research area: Infection biology
Merve Yeşilbaş Lab
Aquatic (geo) chemistry of Mars and icy worlds in our solar system, focusing on extreme environments on Earth.
Michael Holmboe lab
Geochemical processes on the molecular scale, in particular the water/mineral interface of silicate minerals.
Mikael Elofsson lab
The research group develops antiviral and antibacterial compounds.
Research area: Infection biology
Nanomaterials and energy storage
The research of our group is aimed on synthesis of new 2D materials, study of their fundamental properties and energy storage applications. Our...
Research area: Physical sciences
Naser Tavajohi lab
Our research is focused on developing artificial membranes for separation and purification applications. The prepared artificial membranes can be...
Natural science, technology, and gender
This seminar series focuses on the intersection between natural sciences, technology, engineering, and gender, with Maria Berge and Eva Silfver as...
Natuschka Lee lab
Our research is about the role of the microbiome in bees.
Research area: Infection biology
NAUSICA: PrivAcy-AWare traNSparent deCIsions group
We are interested in privacy-aware transparent AI systems.
Research area: Computing science
New materials under extreme conditions
Low and high temperatures, simultaneously with high pressure, change the thermodynamic stability of materials and the kinetics of phase transitions...
Research area: Physical sciences
Latest update: 2022-11-03