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Research groups

Thomas Grundström lab
We try to understand the control of mutagenesis and class switch recombination of antibody genes.
Research area: Cancer, Infection biology
Thomas Wågberg lab
Synthesis and characterization of various types of nanomaterials.
Ulrika Westerlind lab
We study molecular tools to map bacteria interactions with the host mucin O-glycome.
Ultrafast Nanoscience
In our group we study both the fundamental and applied aspects of light-matter interactions.
Umeå Science Education Research (UmSER)
UMSER is a research environment with an open and collegial atmosphere, providing rich opportunities for collaboration and to give and receive...
Uwe Sauer Lab
Structural biology and bioinformatics to understand processes in proteins: folding, stability, interactions.
Verena Kohler lab
Implications of ageing and disease on cellular protein quality control.
Victoria Shingler Lab
Our research concerns bacterial signal-sensing and Integration
Research area: Infection biology
XAI – Explainable AI
Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly used in society, business and industry. Explanatory AI is about making the decisions or actions...
Research area: Computing science
Yaowen Wu Lab
Chemical and chemo-optogenetic approach on autophagy and membrane trafficking regulated by small GTPases.
Research area: Cancer, Infection biology
Yuri Schwartz lab
Yuri Schwartz lab studies molecular epigenetics.
Åke Forsberg Lab
Our group studies molecular mechanism of Type III secretion systems.
Research area: Infection biology
Latest update: 2022-11-03