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Image: Mattias Pettersson

Meet our researchers

At the Faculty of Science and Technology there is ongoing research in many different subject areas. On a daily basis, our researchers at the Faculty are seen and heard in the media, where they express themselves in their role as experts. Get to know our researchers in a number of research portraits. What are they investigating and what drives them?

Skoglund hits it off

Nils Skoglund starts to see the light at the end of the tunnel and a more stable life as a researcher.

She wishes to comprehend the mysteries of life

Natuschka Lee is looking for the for the origins of life and trying to understand how life has developed.

Develops natural language interfaces for robots

Researcher Suna Bensch comes from Germany and investigates talking social robots.

With discovery as a driving force

Anna Linusson Jonsson has a passion for collaboration and wants her research to make a difference.

Aesthetic experiences in the gallery of mathematics

Manya Raman-Sundström and Lars-Daniel Öhman are tackling beauty in mathematics with great enthusiasm.

Latest update: 2022-11-03