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Image: Ulrika Bergfors
Umeå researcher part of study showing that more and more plant and animal species are disappearing worldwide.
Christian Kammler studies how social simulations help decision-makers understand their impact on people.
Anton Eklund he has developed an evaluation framework to support organizations in the evaluation of AI.
The Gulf of Bothnia is getting eutrophied. This is shown by a study conducted at Umeå Marine Sciences Centre.
The AUSNANITE Project aims to develop robust steel, cheaper and with Lower CO2 Emissions
This spring, nearly 140 high school students from natural science programs visit Umeå University.
Carbon capture reduces emissions and makes cement production more efficient, new thesis shows.
New thesis deepens understanding of plant resilience in cold climates.
Qi Zhang's research shows how the atmosphere on Mars has evolved over time and may look like in the future.
Niklas Eklund took over as Director of the European CBRNE Center at the beginning of the year.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Evaluating Document Clusters through Human Interpretation.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Modeling Norms for Social Simulations: Increasing Realism in Social Simulations to Support Decision Makers in Their Desciscion Making
Defence of doctoral thesis. Modeling Norms for Social Simulations: Increasing realism in social simulations to support decision makers in their decision making.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Valorization of biomass byproducts: the potential of chitin and lignin from the perspective of solid catalysts.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Thermochemical properties and quality measures of limestone and quicklime.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Chemometric Strategies for Supervised Multi-Model Analysis.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Formal Methods for Verification in Human-Agent Interaction
Defence of doctoral thesis. Problematic Metric Space for Machine Learning: Data and Model Spaces
Defence of doctoral thesis. Heating a sustainable future.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Navigating Model Anonymity and Adaptability.
All published doctoral theses are available for free in the databas DiVA at Umeå University.
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