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Doctoral courses at the Faculty

Doctoral students at the Faculty of Science and Technology will achieve a knowledge of generic courses equivalent to a minimum of 11 ECTS credits for a doctorate degree and at least 8 ECTS credits for a licentiate degree.

Our courses

Mandatory courses

Introduction for doctoral students at the Faculty of Science and Technology, 1ECTS
Philosophy of science, 2ECTS
Introduction to research ethics, 2ECTS
Oral presentation, 1ECTS
Writing science, 5ECTS

Examples of elective courses

Writing research proposals that get funded, 3ECTS
Statistics for empirical sciences, 3ECTS
Introduction to mathematical modeling, 3ECTS
Communicating scientific research, 3ECTS
Innovation and utilization of ideas, knowledge and research results, 2ECTS
Strategic career planning, 1.5ECTS

Recommendations generic courses

  • Philosophy of science - Can be taken during the whole doctoral studies
  • Introduction to research ethics - Can be taken during the whole doctoral studies
  • Writing science - Is best suited when the doctoral student has written one or several papers 
  • Oral presentation - Can be taken during the whole doctoral studies but there is an advantage of taking the course early because then you can benefit from the knowledge when holding seminars at conferences or at the department during your doctoral studies.
  • Writing research proposals that get funded - For doctoral students in the second half of the doctoral studies. Is suited when the doctoral student wants to write applications for travel grants or postdoc. To take the course you should have taken the course Writing Science.
  • Communicating scientific research - Is best suited when the doctoral student has written one or several papers

More info

Who can apply to the doctoral courses?

The courses are mainly for doctoral students at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Umeå University. Other applicants may, however, have access to the courses, regardless of location. Please note, however, that participants who do not belong to the Faculty of Science and Technology will be billed for the course fee. For more information about this, contact Ola Berglund.

Admission and selection

Admission procedure starts immediately after the deadline of the application. The following may happen:

If the course is full, notification closes. A selection is made among the applicants from the date of admission to postgraduate studies, if the student has applied for the course earlier and more. Notification / Reserves message is sent by email to applicants shortly after the application deadline. Applicants are asked to confirm their course placement via "My Pages". If this does not happen before the expiration date, the location will be the next person in the reserve list.

If the course is not full, the application period will be extended. Information on new deadlines is given on the application page. If the number of applicants is not enough, the course is set.

Note that when submitting your application you should provide contact details of your supervisor. He/she then needs to approve that you attend the course before you can be admitted to the course.

After completing the course

After completing your course, your result will be reported in Ladok.

Note that, if the course was given autumn 2021 or earlier you instead received a certificate via the university's internal post. If you want to get the score reported in LADOK, you will show this certificate to an administrator at your department. 

For the course "Introduction for doctoral students at TekNat" the results have been reported in Ladok for all course events so no certificates have been sent out. 

For questions, contact Ola Berglund.

Doctoral courses given by others

Doctoral courses spring 2025

The following doctoral courses will be given spring 2025. The application period for spring courses are now closed. The application period for the spring's extra courses are now closed.

Extra course - Oral Presentation 1 ECTS
Course dates are: May 13-15 and 22. The course is given on campus.

Extra Course - Introduction to research ethics 2 ECTS
Course dates are: 26-28 May, 3 och 5 June. The course is given online.

Extra course - Philosophy of science, 2 ECTS
Course dates are: 28-29 April och 6-8 May.

There are places available for the course. If you are interested in taking the course, please contact: Ola Berglund


Oral Presentation 1 ECTS
Course dates are: February 3-5 and 10. The course is given on campus.

Course is at capacity

Introduction to research ethics 2 ECTS
Course dates are: January 21-24 and 30. The course is given online.

Course is at capacity

Philosophy of science, 2 ECTS
Course dates are: February 18-20 and 25-27.

Course is at capacity

Writing science, 5 ECTS
Course dates are: 13, 20, 27 March and 3, 10 and 24 April.

Course is at capacity

Introduction for doctoral students at TekNat, 1 ECTS
The course structure is flexible, with online material for you to work through at your convenience. There is one workshop per semester. The date for the workshop spring 2025 is: May 12
The course has a continuous admission. If you want to take the course and you don't have access to the course Canvas page, ask your director of studies to add you.

Communicating Scientific Research, 3 ECTS
Course dates are: 1-2, 4, 7-8 and 11 April.

Course is at capacity

Doctoral courses autumn 2025

The following doctoral courses will be given in the autumn of 2025. No elective course will be given in the autumn of 2025. The application period for the autumn courses will open on April 14th. Links to apply to the courses will be available on this page.

Oral presentation 1 ECTS
Course dates: Info to come.

Introduction to research ethics 2 ECTS
Course dates: Info to come. The course is given online.

Philosophy of science, 2 ECTS
Course dates: Info to come.

Writing science: How to write and publish scientific papers, 5 ECTS
Course dates: Info to come.

Introduction for doctoral students at TekNat, 1 ECTS
You will be able to take the course continuously with one lecture. The date of the lecture: October 31th, 8:15 - 12:00 . The course structure is flexible, with online material for you to work through at your convenience. 
The course has a continuous admission. If you want to take the course and you don't have access to the course Canvas page, ask your director of studies to add you.



Ola Berglund
Latest update: 2025-01-20