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Faculty of Science and Technology

Our Faculty has 3 300 full-time students, 1 000 employees, and a strong research. The eleven departments of the faculty comprises research and education within architecture, biology, chemistry, computing science, industrial design, mathematics, physics, educational science, and technology.

Latest news

The devastating impact of humans on biodiversity

Umeå researcher part of study showing that more and more plant and animal species are disappearing worldwide.

Personer som rör sig åt olika håll.
Social simulations will assist in the policymaking process

Christian Kammler studies how social simulations help decision-makers understand their impact on people.

En man står på en bro med händerna i fickorna
People's interpretations central in new framework for evaluating AI

Anton Eklund he has developed an evaluation framework to support organizations in the evaluation of AI.

En strand med vatten som grönfärgats av algblomning
Gulf of Bothnia heading towards eutrophication

The Gulf of Bothnia is getting eutrophied. This is shown by a study conducted at Umeå Marine Sciences Centre.

Bild på stränggjutna stålbalkar på ett stålverk.
Groundbreaking Steel Project Develops Robust Steel with Lower CO2 Emissions

The AUSNANITE Project aims to develop robust steel, cheaper and with Lower CO2 Emissions

Nils Hauff visar SEM för gymnasieelever
High school students get a glimpse into the world of research

This spring, nearly 140 high school students from natural science programs visit Umeå University.

Latest features

Václava Hazuková, cellting water samples from an Arctic lake.
Peering through the ice to uncover the secrets of Arctic lakes

Václava Hazuková, KBC-Kempe postdoc, researches carbon storage in Arctic lakes.

Danielle Wilde
Co-creating resilient futures in the Arctic through food

Arctic Six Chair Danielle Wilde explores ways to reimagine the role of food and food practices in the Arctic.

Porträtt på Keith Larson, Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och geovetenskap, Umeå universitet.
Leading the Arctic Centre into a new era of collaboration and impact

Keith Larson aims to make a real impact in the Arctic by forging stronger links between research and society.

Related information

Science outreach events

Umeå University researchers disseminate their research outside the University through various events.

Collaborate with us

Our faculty works actively to develop its interaction with the surrounding community.

Man sitter och skriver med penna på papper
Work with us

Are you applying for a position within the faculty? Here you can find relevant guidelines and forms.