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Image: Mattias Pettersson


The research within the Faculty covers large parts of the field of Medicine, from the tiny details of microbes to disease patterns and risk factors in the entire population.

Medical research in Umeå has a strong tradition within genetics, molecular biology and neurology. There is also expertise here about rare northern Swedish illnesses as well as the difficult to treat more rare illnesses such as ALS.

Successful research is conducted here on diabetes cure and prostate cancer. Global health and Infection biology are strong areas of research, as well as the comprehensive research in ageing. Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine strives to offer infrastructure for world-leading molecular and translational research within life-sciences.

Meet researchers at the Faculty of Medicine

Illustration gensax
From the Umeå lab to around the world – how genetic scissors are now being used

Key pieces of the puzzle for the gene scissors were discovered in Umeå. The tool is used for many things.

Porträtt på Keith Larson, Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och geovetenskap, Umeå universitet.
Leading the Arctic Centre into a new era of collaboration and impact

Keith Larson aims to make a real impact in the Arctic by forging stronger links between research and society.

SIF Umeå
SIF Umeå

Students in Research - an initiative to reduce the step into the research world

Del av jordklotet. Europa sett från rymden med atmosfär och moln.
Building Bridges Through Erasmus+

Umeå University's Erasmus+ Collaboration with Ukrainian and Moldovan Higher Education Institutions.

Jörgen Rutegård uses his experience to make a difference in Africa

Improving healthcare in low-income countries will reduce maternal mortality and complications from surgery.

Climate researcher with an ethical approach

Maria Nilsson is passionate about spreading facts so climate decisions do not threaten human health.

Discover our research

Research Infrastructure Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine's full list of research infrastructures and approved research infrastructure grants.



Umeå center for Functional Brain Imaging, UFBI, is an inter-disciplinary research center where imaging techniq...

Biobank Research

Biobank Research provides data management for research in approximately 50 sample collections.

Artificial intelligence

Over 50 years' experience of education and research and nearly 100 AI researchers. Learn more.

Arctic Centre

Arctic Centre is a connectivity hub for arctic transdisciplinary research and education.

Latest update: 2022-10-26