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Student assignments

Here you will find information and materials relating to student work at undergraduate and advanced level.

In student work, the handling of both personal data and ethical issues must be taken into account. Student works must process as little personal data as possible and only in exceptional cases and only if absolutely necessary sensitive personal data.

Student works must be assessed as ethically acceptable based on a review process that the faculties are responsible for and that the departments are responsible for developing a procedure for. The Faculty of Medicine has developed guidelines that you read together with Umeå University's regulations.

Rules and procedures for processing personal data in student assignments

Guidelines for ethical review and personal data management in student projects

Appendix 1. Appropriateness assessment of first- and second-cycle student projects

Student processing of personal data in theses and dissertations

Student processing of personal data (for teachers) Link to Aurora
Processing personal data in a student project (for students)

Consent form

Consent form

Contact and more information

Anna Fahlgren
Faculty director of studies, Faculty Office of Medicine

More information and questions
The Ethics Committee

Latest update: 2024-05-22