The head of department is ultimately responsible for doctoral education at department level. At each department there is a doctoral education group that prepare these questions. The group consist of representatives of both supervisors and doctoral students. The chairman of the group represents the department in the Council for Doctoral Education.
Department of Clinical Microbiology
Constantin Urban (Chair) Kristina Thelin (Administrator) Johan Normark Anders Sjöstedt Mattias Forsell Anna Överby Wernstedt
Department of Clinical Sciences
Aleksandra McGrath (Chair) Ruben Kreku (Doctoral Student Representative) Karin Brunnegård Inga Dennhag Isabell Hedberg (Doctoral Student Representative) Thorbjörn Holmlund Annika Idahl Jussi Jokinen Fredrik Nylén Torbjörn Lind Anders Behndig Peter Sundström Karin Moström (Administrator) Maud Normark (Administrator) Olof Sandström David Lindquist Helena Harding Maria Karlsson
Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation
Martin Björklund (Chair) Johanna Frank (Administrator) Anders Eriksson Xiaolei Hu Hugo Lövheim Gustaf Magaard (Doctoral Student Representative) Margarita Mondaca Christer Malm
Ulrika Harju (Convener, Administrator) Cartrine Anyango-Odhiambo (Doctoral Student Representative) Isabel Goicolea Marie Lindqvist
Department of Medical and Translational Biology
Paul Kingham (Chair) Linnéa Andersson (Administrator) Vanessa Crine (Doctoral Student Representative) Mikko Lammi Sara Wilson Simon Tuck (Unit of Molecular Medicine) Ulf Ahlgren (Deputy Unit of Molecular Medicine)
Karin Nylander (Convener) Olivia Carlund (Doctoral Student Representative) Johan Hultdin
Department of Molecular Biology
Johan Holmberg (Chair) Felipe Cava Margalida Esteva Socias (Doctoral Student Representative) Jörgen Johansson Jan Larsson Peter Lind Barbara Sixt Viktor Skog (Administrator)