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The Faculty Board of Medicine

The Faculty Board is the Faculty’s highest deciding body. The board serves for the July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2025 period. The Board meets about once a month during each term.

Appointed by Vice-Chancellor
Professor Patrik Danielson, Dean, Chair
Professor Kristina Lejon, Deputy Dean, Vice-Chair

Appointed by the Faculty

Full members
Anders Behndig, professor of ophthalmology
Anders Eklund, professor of biomedical engineering
André Nyberg, associate professor of physiotherapy
Maria Nilsson, professor of public health
Marie Bixo, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology
Åsa Hörnsten, professor of nursing

Group deputy member
1. Malin Brundin, associate professor of endodontics
2. Estelle Naumburg, associate professor of pediatrics

External Board Member representing Region Västerbotten

Ulrica Bergström

Deputy member
Göran Larsson

Umeå Medical and Health Sciences Student Union Representatives

Kimia Shafa
Hanna Blåhed
Benjamin Blecher

Ebba Ekholm
Sandra Lehtonen
Stina Kallerhult-Hermansson

Board Secretary
Petra Norqvist, Deputy Head of Faculty Office of Medicine

Meeting Times, Minutes

6 February 
11 March
9 April
14 May
11 June

5 September
2 October
28 October 
12 December

Time: 13-17


Available on the Swedish page

Latest update: 2024-06-10