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2024 MIMS Clinical Research Fellowships awarded
Published: 2025-01-31

MIMS awarded the 2024 Clinical Research Fellowships to Vanja Lunberg Wiraeus and Anne Tuiskunen Bäck.

Ukrainian researchers visited Umeå for collaboration and inspiration
Published: 2025-01-30

With Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, most of laboratory research came to a halt.

Vice-Chancellor Hans Adolfsson bids farewell – the red shoes leave the university
Published: 2025-01-27

After eight and a half years, Umeå University's Vice-Chancellor Hans Adolfsson was farewelled at a ceremony.

The Pool of Interested Parties
Published: 2025-01-27

Welcome to the The Pool of Interested Parties.

The evolution of the immune system – love at first sight
Published: 2025-01-09

Ryo Morimoto introduces snails as model system in Umeå for evolutionary studies of the immune system.

Sweden Invests in Arctic and Polar Research
Published: 2024-12-23

The new research bill designates Arctic and Polar research as a strategic national priority.

New members from Umeå University in the Swedish Research Council’s scientific councils
Published: 2024-12-20

Three professors from Umeå University newly appointed members of the Scientific councils.

Research schools in the infection field – grand slam to Umeå
Published: 2024-12-18

The Swedish Research Council awards Umeå University 16 million SEK to two national research schools.

Umeå University joins European alliance
Published: 2024-12-17

Umeå University is joining a European alliance called European Campus of City-Universities (EC2U)

A strong year for Arctic research at Umeå University
Published: 2024-12-17

More than 70 million SEK for Arctic research in 2024.

Building Bridges Between the Alps and the Arctic
Published: 2024-12-16

Arctic climate, tourism, and Sami research for sustainability were presented to the Swiss embassy.

Understanding the spread of animal infections – prevent the next pandemic
Published: 2024-12-13

The PANDASIA project aims to increase our understanding of how diseases make the leap from animals to humans.

EU invests 68 million in Umeå researchers
Published: 2024-12-12

20 research projects, from virus control to tech innovations, have secured EU funding. Curious? Learn more.

Umeå University climbs in global sustainability ranking
Published: 2024-12-10

Umeå University climbs over two hundred places in this years QS Sustainability Ranking.

Distinguished Teaching Award – Nominate candidates for the award
Published: 2024-12-10

Faculty staff and students at Faculty of Medicine are invited to nominate candidates.

She combines her residency in general medicine with research
Published: 2024-12-09

Elin trains to become a specialist in general medicine and continues her doctoral project about virus.

New Cancer Fund millions for UMU research
Published: 2024-12-06

Ten projects at Umeå University receive a total of 30 million SEK from the Swedish Cancer Society.

The Board's proposal for a new Vice-Chancellor
Published: 2024-12-06

The Board has decided to propose to the Government to appoint Tora Holmberg as the new Vice-Chancellor.

ERC funding for research on ageing brain
Published: 2024-12-04

Alireza Salami, Department of Medical and Translational Biology, has received an ERC Consolidation Grant.

Discovery may open new way to attack prostate cancer
Published: 2024-12-03

Activating instead of blocking a special protein can open a new way to fight some forms of prostate cancer.

Increased allocation of research funding strengthens the university's research
Published: 2024-12-02

Umeå University got increased allocation of research funding this autumn.

Umeå University focuses on recruiting students from Europe
Published: 2024-12-02

Umeå university aims to increase the number of international students from the EU/Europe.

Immune system DNA holds key for multiple disease personalised therapies
Published: 2024-12-02

Some people naturally have higher levels of proteins that protect them from covid-19.

New microscope will reveal 3D cell structures at nanoscales
Published: 2024-11-29

The new FIB-SEM instrument was inaugurated in November 2024.

Peter Sköld appointed chair of the European Polar Board
Published: 2024-11-27

Peter Sköld appointed Chair of the European Polar Board.

VR millions to dismantle virus factories
Published: 2024-11-21

A Umeå project is among those that receive the most, 30 million, for interdisciplinary research environments.

A week free from violence
Published: 2024-11-19

A week free from violence is focused on preventing male violence

Umeå University hosted SciLifeLab Leadership for a Full-Day tour of Local Facilities
Published: 2024-11-19

New SciLifeLab director, Jan Ellenberg, and SciLifeLab board chair Ylva Engström, paid a full-day visit.

KBC DAYS strengthens interdisciplinary collaboration
Published: 2024-11-15

Researchers and staff from infrastructures and industry shared ideas and results under the theme sensing.

Nanoplastics can impair the effect of antibiotics
Published: 2024-11-14

Minuscule plastic particles can reduce effect of antibiotics and risk causing resistance, according to study.

Apply to Cancer Research School before 30 November
Published: 2024-11-04

The application of The Cancer Research School (15 ECTS) is ends at the 30 of November.

Record number of people interested in studying come to visit
Published: 2024-10-31

People interested in studying from Ljusdal to Kalix arrive by forty buses for Öppet hus 2024.

Persson millions for intestinal research
Published: 2024-10-28

Björn Schröder's research group receives SEK 6 million for research on the intestinal microbial modulation.

Proteins are key when antibiotic resistance spreads
Published: 2024-10-22

New thesis shows that special proteins are used when resistance to antibiotics spreads between bacteria,

Systems for quality in medical research
Published: 2024-10-21

A quality system for research at the faculty to develop and ensure the quality of research is established.

Important new funding for research on virus factories
Published: 2024-10-15

Lars-Anders Carlson is receiving SEK 24 million from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

New findings on stem cells and development of cancer
Published: 2024-10-10

A discovery of how stem cells becomes specialised cells provides new understanding of how cancer develops.

Children line up to build a bacteria in 3D
Published: 2024-10-03

Kemal Avican joined Curiosum’s ForskarFredag Sept. 27 to build virtual bacteria with children.

NDPIA – important player at the infection biology arena
Published: 2024-10-03

The school covers infection biology in a broadly, from humans and animals to plants and is a success story.

Reform provided better access to health care in Ecuador
Published: 2024-10-01

A significant improvement in access to health care resulted from a major health care reform in Ecuador.

Arctic Centre hosts collaborative event for the Arctic Five
Published: 2024-09-27

Arctic Centre hosted a meet-up for all members of the Arctic Five at Umeå University.

Study unveals a novel protective mechanism in bacterial cell wall
Published: 2024-09-26

A crosslinking mode in the bacteria's cell wall inhibits degrading enzyms and thus protects the bacteria.

Develops a new method to prevent fungi disease in salmonids
Published: 2024-09-23

Túlio's research is about saprolegnosis - a fungi disease that affect freshwater fishes.

Antibiotic usage can damage the protective mucus layer in the gut
Published: 2024-09-12

Antibiotic-driven alterations in the microbiota. causes defects in the normally protective mucus barrier.

Growing data-driven infection research community in Umeå
Published: 2024-09-10

MIMS Group Leader and DDLS Fellow starts his independent research lab at Umeå University.

Pressure sensing by muscles is a promising new target for treatments
Published: 2024-09-10

Our body's muscles sense mechanical pressure, is shown in a new study with important implications.

Altered blood markers detected in individuals with periodontitis
Published: 2024-09-06

People with the disease periodontitis have an abnormal set of proteins in their blood, study shows.

Two young researchers receive ERC Starting Grant
Published: 2024-09-05

ERC Starting Grants is a research programme that support promising young researchers.

Test for nurses from all corners of the world
Published: 2024-09-02

Since 2021, the Department of Nursing has examined around 150 people through a practical knowledge test.

The pandemic strategy did not affect antibody occurrence
Published: 2024-08-15

A study shows that the antibody development in Sweden is comparable to countries with stricter restrictions.

Latest update: 2018-11-21