Ulrika Aasa, physiotherapy, 2017
Rolf Adolfsson, psychiatry, 1988
Francesca Aguilo, cell biology, 2022
Christina Ahlgren, physiotherapy, 2006
Olof Ahlgren, orthopedic surgergy, 1983
Ulf Ahlgren, molecular developmental biology, 2006
Clas Ahlm, infectious diseases, 2004
Jan Ahlqvist, oral diagnostic radiology, 2002
Li Aihong, clinical chemistry, 2011
Gerd-Marie Alénius, rheumatology, 2014
Lena Aléx, nursing, 2011
Håkan Alfredson, sports medicine/orthopedic surgergy, 1999
Annika Allard, virology, 2008
Per Allard, psychiatry, 1998
Bela Almay, neurology, 1989
Intissar Anan, internal medicine, 2020
Peter M Andersen, neurology, 2000
Christer Andersson, family medicine/general practice, 2003
Jonas Andersson, cardiology, 2023
Jonas Andersson, radiation physics, 2021
Martin Andersson, public health and clinical medicine, 2020
Åke Andersson, surgery, 1970
Berit Ardlin, dental technology, 1993
Niklas Arnberg, virology, 2006
Conny Arnerlöv, surgery, 1999
Anna Arnqvist, medical microbiology, 2006
Thomas Asklund, oncology, 2014
Kjell Asplund, internal medicine, 1981
Kenneth Asplund, caring science, 1997
Alem Atalay, psychiatry, 2002
Elsy Athlin, nursing, 1999
Leif Athlin, surgery, 1989
Gemma Atkinson, molecular biology, 2019
Åsa Audulv, nursing, 2019
Bertil Axelsson, surgery, with and orientation towards palliative medicine, 2012
Annica Backman, nursing, 2024
Helena Backman, epidemiology and public health, 2022
Ludvig Backman, anatomy, 2017
Margareta Barnekow Bergkvist, epidemiology and public health, 2005
Jörgen Becker, surgery, 1973
Gunhild Beckman, medical genetics, 1975
Parviz Behnam Motlag, oncology, 2010
Anders Behndig, ophthalmology, 2004
Annelie Behndig, pulmonary medicine, 2017
Ingvar Bergdahl, toxicology in occupational and environmental medicine, 2005
Mikael Bergenheim, neurology, 2000
Tommy Bergenheim, neurosurgery, 1995
Diana Berggren, otorhinolaryngology 2002
Lennart Berggren, ophthalmology, 1967
Anders Bergh, anatomy, 1982
Anna Berghard, molecular biology, 2000
Lars Bergljung, surgery, 1968
Bo Bergman, urology, 1979
Erik Bergström, epidemiology and public health, 1999
Ingemar T:son Bergström, internal medicine, 1961
Sven Bergström, medical microbiology, 1989
Birgitta Bernspång, occupational therapy and rehabilitation, 1996
Ronnie Berntsson, medical biochemistry, 2019
Christer Bessing, dental technology, 1991
Mari Bixo, obstetrics and gynecology, 2002
Sara af Bjerkén, histology with cellbiology, 2024
Per Bjerle, clinical physiology, 1975
Leif Bjermer, pulmonary medicine, 1989
Martin Björklund, physiotherapy, 2012
Stefan Björklund, medical biochemistry, 1999
Bengt Björkstén, pediatrics, 1975
Ulf Björnstig, surgery, 1991
Håkan Blom, medicine, 1990
Sigfrid Blom, clinical neurophysiology, 1967
Anders Blomberg, respiratory diseases, 2004
Hans K:son Blomqvist, pediatrics, 1983
Patric Blomstedt, neurosurgery, 2010
Yulia Blomstedt, epidemiology and publich health, 2015
Lars Bläckberg, medical and physiological chemistry, 1986
Lukas Bobinski, neurosurgery, 2024
Ove Bodlund, psychiatry, 1998
Staffan Bohm, molecular biology (tek/nat), 2001
Jens Boman, clinical virology, 2014
Kurt Boman, medicine, 1990
Thomas Borén, medical microbiology, 2000
Maria Brattsand, molecular medicine, 2017
Mogens Bredgaard Sorensen, anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, 1983
Håkan Brodin, health economics, 2009
Christine Brulin, nursing, 2005
Malin Brundin, odontology, 2023
Mattias Brunström, epidemiology, 2023
Lennart Bråbäck, pediatrics, 2004
Inga-Britt Bränholm, occupational physiology with rehabilitation, 1997
Margareta Brännström, nursing, 2016
Thomas Brännström, pathology, 2000
Jeanette Bröms, medical microbiology, 2022
Rolf Brönnestam, clinical microbiology, 1973
Gösta Bucht, geriatrics, 1986
Jonas Burén, medicine, 2013
Lars Burman, medical microbiology, 1971
Marie Burstedt, oftalmiatrik, 2012
Berit Byström, ophthalmology, 2022
Ove Bäck, dermatology and venereology, 1977
Birgitta Bäckman, pediatric dentistry, 1996
Torbjörn Bäckström, gynecology, 1981/obstetrics and gynecology, 1987
Karin Bölenius, nursing care , 2023
Stefan Cajander, pathology, 1983
Bo Carlberg, internal medicine, 2007
Lars-Anders Carlson, medical chemistry, 2023
Sven Carlsson, medical and physiological chemistry, 1987
Bengt Carlsöö, otorhinolaryngology, 1975
Felipe Cava, molecular biology, 2014
Bertil Cedergren, obstetrics and gynecology, 1986
Yücel Cengiz, surgery, 2016
Andrei Chabes, medical biochemistry, 2009
Emmanuelle Charpentier, medical microbiology, 2013
Elin Chorell, molecular medicine, 2021
Jayanti Chotai, psychiatric epidemiology, 2001
David Cisneros Armas, molecular biology, 2023
Ola Collin, anatomy, 2001
Albert G Crenshaw, sports medicine, 2000
Monica Christianson, sexual and reproductive health, 2016
Sead Crnalic, orthopedic surgergy, 2015
Lars-Olof Dahlbäck, surgery, 1970
Gösta Dahlén, clinical chemistry, 1975
Per Dahlqvist, internal medicine, 2017
Åke Dahlqvist, otorhinolaryngology, 1988
Tore Dalén, orthopedic surgergy, 2004
Lena Damber, cancer epidemiology, 2003
Jan-Erik Damber, physiology, 1980 urology, 1988
Mats-Göran Damber, obstetrics and gynecology, 1978
Patrik Danielson, anatomy, 2012
Ella Danielsson, nursing, 2000
Carl-Olov Danielsson, obstetrics and gynecology, 1965
Åke Danielsson, internal medicine, 1981
Alexandru Dasu, radiation physics, 2008
Sofie Degerman, pathology, 2018
Inga Dennhag, child- and adolescent psychiatry, 2022
Jan van Dijken, cariology, 1989
Mats Djupsjöbacka, movement science, 2013
Lennart Domellöf, surgergy, 1986
Magnus Domellöf, pediatrics, 2009
Michael Druzin, physiology, 2019
Milos Duchek, genitourinary surgery, 1978
Thomas Dyckner, medicine, 1984
Benoni Edin, physiology, 1991
Kerstin Edin, public health, 2015
Helena Edlund, medical molecular biology, 1997
Thomas Edlund, molecular biology, 1984
David Edvardsson, nursing, 2009
Torbjörn Egelrud, medical biochemistry, 1975, dermatology and venereology, 1985
Martin Eisemann, medical psychology, 1987
Börje Ek, medicine, 1970
Kim Ekblom, medical bioscience, 2023
Anders Eklund, medical technology, 2005
Bertil Ekstedt, pharmacology, 1980
Fredrik Elgh, virology, 2002
Mats Eliasson, medicine, 2001
Lars-Gunnar Elmqvist, orthopedic surgergy, 2002
Theodor Elmros, dermatology and venereology, 1979
Magdy El-Salhy, experimental medicine, 1994 medicine, 1998
Stefan Emdin, pathology, 1982 surgery, 1989
Maria Emmelin, epidemiology and publich health, 2009
Bo Enfors, otorhinolaryngology, 1965
Birgitta Engström, nursing, 2001
Karl Gunnar Engström, histology and cell biology, 1994
Eva Ericson-Lidman, nursing, 2016
Malin Eriksson, public health, 2015
Martin Ericsson, internal medicine, 1979
Anders Eriksson, forensic medicine, 1981
Anders Eriksson, pediatrics, 1992
Johan Eriksson, cognitive neuroscience, 2017
Kåre Eriksson, experimental occupational and environmental medicine, 2005
Marie Eriksson, medicine, 2012
Mikael Eriksson, oncology, 1995
Peter Eriksson, medicine, 1987
Sture Eriksson, geriatric medicine, 1990
Anders Esberg, experimental cariology, 2019
Therese Eskilsson, physiotherapy, 2022
Eva Eurenius, public health, 2016
Magnus Evander, virology, 2000
Markku Fagerlund, diagnostic radiology, 1991
Anna Fahlgren, infectious biology, 2017
Martin Fahlström, physical medicine and rehabilitation, 2008
Sven Ferry, family medicine/general practice, 1993
Göran Fex, medical biochemistry, 1970
Orvar Finnström, pediatrics, 1971
Anncristine Fjellman-Wiklund, physiotherapy, 2010
Lennart Flygare, diagnostic radiology, 2017
Harald Fodstad, neurosurgery, 1981
Erik Forestier, pediatrics, 2003
Anne-Marie Fors Connolly, medical microbiology, 2022
Mattias Forsell, immunology, 2019
Bertil Forsberg, environmental medicine epidemiology, 2005
Lars Forsgren, neurology, 1991
Sture Forsgren, anatomy, 1989
Kristina Forsman, medical molecular genetics, 1997
Annika Forssén, medicine, 2007
Christopher Fowler, pharmacology, 1985
Matthew S. Francis, molecular biology, 2006
Barbara Frankel, histology, 1985
Bo Frankendahl, cological radiotherapy, 1973
Karl Franklin, internal medicine, 2001
Karl Franklin, surgery, 2015
Paul Franks, medicine, 2007
Per Fransson, oncology, 2012
Lars Franzén, oncology, 1994
Bo Fredrikzon, pediatrics, 1980
Sven Friberg, orthopedic surgergy, 1978
Jan Fridén, anatomy, 1986 hand surgery, 1990
Curt Furberg, clinical physiology, 1968
Bengt Fåhraeus, urology surgery, 1975
Maria Fällman, cell and molecular biology, 1996
Alexander von Gabain, molecular biology, 1984
Anders Garpebring, radiation physics, 2019
Nelson Gekara, infectious biology, 2017
Björn Gerdle, occupational physiology, 1988 med. rehabilitation, 1991
Gideon Gerhardsson, technical occupational hygiene, 1972
Lars Gerhardsson, medicine, 1988
Jonathan Gilthorpe, neuroscience, 2017
Eva-Lotta Glader, internal medicine, 2014
Isabel Goicolea, epidemiology and global health, 2014
Irina Golovleva, molecular genetics, 2004
Leif Gothefors, pediatrics, 1977
Caroline Grabbe, medical molecular biology, 2017
Kjell Grankvist, histology with cell biology, 1984, clinical chemistry, 1988
Helena Grip, medical technology, 2017
Thomas Grundström, molecular biology, 1984
Henrik Grönberg, oncology, 1998
Christer Grönlund, medical technology, 2012
Bethany van Guelpen, pathology, 2011
Martin Gullberg, immunology, 1987
Lena Gunhaga, developmental biology, 2009
Johan Gunne, prosthodontics, 1995
Maria Gustafsson, pharmacy, 2018
Per E Gustafsson, public health, 2014
Yngve Gustafson, geriatric medicine, 1996
Hans Gustafsson, otorhinolaryngology, 1989
Erik Gylfe, histology, 1975
Lina Gyllencreutz, nursing care, 2023
Mats Gåfvels, physiology, 1992
Åsa Gylfe, clinical microbiology, 2023
David Haage, experimental neuroendocrinology, 2012
Markku Haapamäki, surgery, 2010
Mats Hagberg, anatomy, 1983
Senada Hajdarevic, nursing, 2018
Linda Halldner Henriksson, child- and adolescent psychiatry, 2021
Bengt Hallberg, cell biology, 2000
Per Hallberg, medical technology, 2015
Lars Hallén, orthopedic surgergy, 1965
Mats Hallman, oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2005
Göran Hallmans, pathology, 1980
Katarina Hamberg, family medicine/general practice, 2004
Peter Hammarsten, tumor biology, 2014
Anne Hammarström, public health, 1994
Marie-Louise Hammarström, immunology, 1989
Mikael Haney, anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, 2006
Kjell Hansson Mild, theoretical medical physics, 1976
Lennart Hardell, oncology, 1984
Gun-Marie Hariz, occupational therapy, 2012
Marwan Hariz, neurosurgery, 1993
Sophia Harlid, molecular epidemiology, 2020
Vasili Hauryliuk, microbiology, 2015
Niilo Havu, pathology, 1970
Gudrun Hedberg, social medicine of working life, 1989
Maria Hedberg, experimental bacteriology, 2010
Anders Hedin, immunology, 1993
Håkan Hedman, molecular oncology, 2003
Linnea Hedman, epidemiology and publich health, 2017
Jan Heijbel, pediatrics, 1992
Urban Hellman, cell biology, 2023
Karin Hellström Ängerud, nursing, 2021
Sten Hellström, anatomy, 1978 otorhinolaryngology, 1990
Oskar Hemmingsson, surgery, 2022
Claes Henning, clinical bacteriology, 1993
Eva Henje Blom, child- and adolescent psychiatry, 2017
Roger Henriksson, histology and cell biology, 1984 oncology, 1989
Karin Henriksson-Larsén, clinical physiology, 1992
Olle Hernell, medical biochemistry, 1976, pediatrics, 1983
Sven-Ola Hietala, radiological diagnostics, 1974
Christer Hildingsson, orthopedic surgergy, 1997
Anders Hofer, medical biochemistry, 2008
Per-Åke Hofer, pathology, 1974
Jonas von Hofsten, cell and molecular biology, 2012
Monica Holmberg, medical genetics, 2001
Dan Holmberg, immunology, 1986
Nils-Gunnar Holmberg, obstetrics and gynecology, 1968
Per Åke Holmgren, obstetrics and gynecology, 2003
Gösta Holmgren,medical genetics, 1974 pediatrics, 1975
Dan Holmlund, surgery, 1968
Juhani Holst, obstetrics and gynecology, 1990
Bertil Hoorn, virology, 1974
Magnus Hultin, anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, 2013
Magnus Hultdin, pathology, 2015
Johan Hultdin, clinical chemistry, 2009
Anna-Karin Hurtig, public health, 2008
Lena Håglin, clinical nutrition science, 2002
Stellan Håkansson, pediatrics, 1989
Charlotte Häger-Ross, physiotherapy, 2003
Erik Hägg, internal medicine, 1975
Bruno Hägglöf, pediatrics, 1992, child- and adolescent psychiatry, 1998
Christel Häggström, epidemiology, 2023
Ulla Hällgren Graneheim, nursing, 2011
Ulf Högberg, obstetrics and gynecology, 1991
Per Hörnsten, medicine, 1998
Åsa Hörnsten, nursing, 2012
Lars-Åke Idahl, histology, 1973
Rolf Ingemarson, medical biochemistry, 1996
Ulf Isaksson, nursing, 2014
Leif A Israelsson, surgery, 2001
Fredrik Ivars, immunology, 1993
Anneli Ivarsson, epidemiology and publich health, 2008
Lars Jacobsson, psychiatry, 1975
Stig Jacobsson, pharmacology, 2005
Susanna Jakobson Mo, nuclear medicine, 2022
Urban Janlert, epidemiology and publich health, 1997
Lilian Jansson, nursing, 2002
Jan-Håkan Jansson, medicine, 1997
K G Janunger, surgery, 1996
Slobodan Jaric, sports medicine, 2000
Torgny Jeneskog, physiology, 1976
Poul Erik H Jensen, immunochemistry, 1999
Steen M. Jensen, cardiology, 2006
Jan-Olof Jeppsson, medical biochemistry, 1967
Gauti Jóhannesson, ophthalmology, 2017
Anders Johansson, periodontology, 2006
Anders Johansson, infectious diseases, 2007
Bengt Johansson, cardiology, 2009
Elias Johansson, experimental neurology, 2018
Erik Johansson, medical biochemistry, 2004
Eva Johansson, psychiatry, forensic and social psychiatry, 1973
Eva Johansson, family medicine/general practice, 2004
Folke Johansson, neurology, 1989
Håkan Johansson, physiology, 1984
Inga-Maj Johansson, neuroendokrinologi, 2005
Jörgen Johansson, molecularbiology, 2010
Lars Johansson, internal medicine, 2017
Lennart Johansson, radiation physics, 1996
Mikael Johansson, oncology, 2016
Roland S Johansson, physiology, 1981
Staffan Johansson, physiology, 1996
Viktoria Johansson, psychiatry, 2024
Owe Johnson, medical biochemistry, 1976 medicine, 1984
Elisabeth Jonsén, nursing, 2010
Frida Jonsson, public health, 2023
Håkan Jonsson, cancer epidemiology, 2007
Bengt Jonsson, anatomy, 1972
Per Juto, clinical virology, 1988
Pontus Karling, internal medicine, 2019
Fredrik Karlsson, speech and language pathology, 2015
Stefan Karlsson, medical technology, 2003
Mikael Karlsson, radiation physics, 1993
Roger Karlsson, family medicine/general practice, 1996
Stig Karlsson, geriatric nursing, 2006
Ulf Karlsson, anatomy, 1966
Kjell Karp, clinical physiology, 1991
Juha Karvonen, clinical physiology, 1982
Elsadig Kazzam, cardiology, 2001
Peyman Kelk, anatomy, 2023
Milos Kesek, cardiology, 2011
Alistair H Kidd, virology, 1996
Mona Kihlgren, nursing, 1997
Paul Kingham, anatomy, 2017
John Kinsman, public health, 2013
Olof Kjellgren, gynecological radiotherapy, 1962
Anne-Liis von Knorring, child- and adolescent psychiatry, 1985
Lars von Knorring, psychiatry, 1976
Anders Knutsson, occupational medicine epidemiology, 1995
Björn Knutsson, orthopedics, 2022
Lars-Owe Koskinen, neurosurgery, 1997
Benno Krachler, internal medicine
Maria Krafft, experimental surgery, with and orientation towards traffic medicine, 2010
Per Kristiansson, family medicine/general practice (from Uppsala univ.), 2010
Anders Kristoffersson, surgery, 1992
Berit Kriström, pediatrics, 2016
Gunnar Kullgren, psychiatry, 1991
Carina Källestål, epidemiology and publich health, 2001
Johan Kärrholm, orthopedic surgery, 1987
Bengt Lagerkvist, pediatrics, 1978
Lauri Laitinen, neurosurgery, 1980
Ann Lalos, psychosocial obstetrics and gynecology, 1996
Othon Lalos, obstetrics and gynecology, 1986
Göran Landberg, pathology, 1997
Evelina Landstedt, epidemiology and publich health, 2018
Ulf Landström, physical occupational hygiene, 1983
Anne Larsson Strömvall, radiation physics, 2013
Göran Larsson, medical biophysics, 2007
Lars Larsson, pulmonary medicine, 2002
Eva-Lotta Larsson, immunology, 1981
Olle Larsson, medicine, 1967
Sune Larsson, orthopedic surgery, 1991
Sven-Erik Larsson, orthopedic surgery, 1969
Maria Larsson Lund, occupational therapy, 2010
Katarina Laurell, neurology, 2016
Claude Laurent, otorhinolaryngology, 1993
Tomas Leandersson, pathology, 1985
Per Leffler, environmental medicine, 2010
Kristina Lejon, immunogenetics, 2005
Rudolf Lemperg, orthopedic surgergy, 1968
Annasara Lenman, virology, 2022
Per Lenner, oncology, 1983
Åke Lernmark, histology, 1972
Eva Levring Jäghagen, dental radiology, 2021
Jan Lexell, neurology, 1992
Ing-Marie Lidström, occupational medicine, 1975
Pernilla Lif Holgersson, pediatric dentistry, 2014
Ingrid Liljelind, occupational and environmental medicine, 2011
Bengt Liljequist, radiological diagnostics, 1961
Ida Linander, public health, 2022
Lisbet Lind, medical molecular genetics, 2000
Torbjörn Lind, pediatrics, 2012
Marcus Lind, internal medicine, 2021
Bernt Lindahl, behavioral medicine, 2003
Olof Lindahl, medical technology, 1996
Anne Lindberg, pulmonary medicine, 2010
Nina Lindelöf, physiotherapy, 2023
Willem van der Linden, surgery, 1961
Christina Lindén, ophthalmology, 2003
Britt-Marie Lindgren, nursing, 2017
Jack Lindh, oncology, 1995
Lars Lindholm, epidemiology and publich health, 2000
Åke Lindholm, surgery, 1960
Marie Lindkvist, epidemiology and biostatistics, 2017
Gudrun Lindmark, surgery, 1998
Krister Lindmark, cardiology, 2017
David Lindquist, oncology, 2016
David Lindquist, oncology, 2014
Susanne Lindquist, pediatrics, 2017
Bengt Lindqvist, medicine, especially nephrology, 1965
Melker Lindqvist, radiological diagnostics, 1980
Per Lindqvist, cardiology, 2009
Britta Lindström, physiotherapy, 2006
Per Lindström, histology and cell biology, 1987
Peter Lindvall, neurosurgery, 2013
Gunnar Lingårdh, genitourinary surgery, 1971
Folke Lithner, internal medicine, 1978
JingXia Liu, anatomy, 2015
Kui Liu, cell biology, 2008
Lotta Ljung, rheumatology, 2019
Börje Ljungberg, urology, 1987
Ronny Lorentzon, orthopedic surgery, 1978
Olivia Lwande Wesula, virology, 2019
Annekatrin Lukanova, cancer epidemiology, 2011
Pernilla Lundberg, oral biology, 2008
Dan Lundblad, cardiology, 2009
Bo Lundbäck, pulmonary medicine, 2000
Erik Lundgren, medical genetics, 1972 pathology, 1973
Rune Lundgren, pulmonary medicine, 1984
Stefan Lundgren, oral and maxillofacial surgery, 1993
Lillemor Lundin-Olsson, physiotherapy, 2007
Berit Lundman, nursing, 2001
Karl-Martin Lundmark, pediatrics, 1967
Richard Lundmark, medical biochemistry, 2013
Anita Lundström, dermatology and venereology, 1995
Bo Lundström, radiological diagnostics, 1972
Ronnie Lundström, physical occupational hygiene, 1988
Jörgen Lundälv, traffic medicine, 2007
Per-Olof Lycksell, medical biophysics, 1995
Niels Lynöe, social medicine, 1996
Eugene Lyskov, neurology, 2002
Kristina Lämås, nursing, 2022
Mats Löfgren, obstetrics and gynecology, 2013
Richard Löfvenberg, orthopedic surgergy, 2003
Anna Lövgren, oral physiology research, 2021
Hugo Lövheim, geriatric medicine, 2012
Hans Malker, epidemiology and publich health, 1998
Christer Malm, experimental muscle biology, 2007
Jan Malm, neurology, 1999
Jan Marcusson, geriatric medicine, 1988
Stefan Marklund, medical biochemistry, 1972 clinical chemistry, 1983
Susanna Marklund, oral physiology, 2021
Lisa Martinsson, oncology research, 2024
Takeshi Matsunaga, immunology, 1990
Iréne Matthis, psychiatry, 2003
Bengt Mattsson, psychiatry, 1974 family medicine/general practice, 1986
Cecilia Mattsson, medicine, 2006
Sofia Mattsson, pharmacy, 2021
Sten Mattsson, orthopedic surgergy, 1976
Paolo Medini, physiology, 2023
Ya-Fang Mei, virology, 2011
Beatrice Melin (tid. Malmer), oncology, 2006
Hans Melin, internal medicine, 1965
Göran Mellbring, surgery, 1986
Torbjörn Messner, medicine, 2003
Piotr Michno, orthopedic surgergy, 2011
José L Millán, medical and physiological chemistry, 1990; medical genetics, 1993
Lucia Mincheva-Nilsson, immunology, 2001
Tom Mjörndal, clinical pharmacology, 1984
Hans Modig, medical radiation biology, 1978
Ingrid Mogren, obstetrics and gynecology, 2005
Jenny Molin, nursing, 2023
Margareta Molin, prosthodontics, 1994
Thor Monsen, clinical microbiology, 2009
Thomas Mooe, medicine, 2004
Per Morberg, orthopedic surgergy, 2017
Tomi Myrberg, anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, 2023
Lars Mårtensson, immunogenetics, 1966
Carl-Gustaf Mählck, obstetrics and gynecology, 1994
Christian Möller, pediatrics, 1991
Eva Mönestam, ophthalmology, 2005
Stellan Mörner, cardiology, 2010
Alan Nahum, medical radiation physics, 1983
Silvana Naredi, anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, 2006
Estelle Naumburg, pediatrics, 2017
Nawi Ng, epidemiology and global health, 2011
Johan Niklasson, geriatrics, 2023
Ingeborg Nilsson, occupational therapy, 2014
Johan Nilsson Sommar, occupational- and environmental medicine, 2018
Jonas Nilsson, experimental oncology, 2021
Maria Nilsson, public health, 2017
Tohr Nilsson, occupational and environmental medicine, 2005
Kjell G Nilsson, orthopedic surgergy, 2000
Torbjörn Nilsson, clinical chemistry, 1991
Margareta Norberg, epidemiology and global health, 2015
Monica Nordberg, hygiene, 1981
Ingrid Nordenson, medical genetics, 1980
Erik Nordh, neurophysiology, 2005
Per Nordin, surgery, 2010
Anna Nordström, sports medicine, 2011
Peter Nordström, sports medicine, 2000
Rolf Nordström, plastic surgery, 1988
Stefan Nordström, medical genetics, 1978
Mari Norgren, bacteriology, 1995
Lena Norlund, histology and cell biology, 1987
Johan Normark, infectious disease medicine, 2019
Staffan Normark, medical microbiology, 1971
Karl Fredrik Norrback, psychiatry, 2013
Örjan Norrgård, surgery, 1991
Fredrik Norström, epidemiology and biostatistics, 2016
Lev Novikov, experimental neuroanatomy, 2002; anatomy 2010
Liudmila Novikova, anatomy, 2010
Tor Ny, molecular biology, 1987
André Nyberg, physiotherapy, 2019
Lars Nyberg, geriatric physiotherapy, 2002
Rune Nyberg, obstetrics and gynecology, 1968
Henry Nyhlin, internal medicine, 1989
Tufve Nyholm, medical image processing, 2012
Karin Nylander, pathology, 2001
P-O Nylander, psychiatry, 1996
Elisabet Nylander Lundqvist, dermatology and venereology, 2005
Elisabeth Nyström, oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2005
Hanna Nyström, kirurgi, 2022
Lennarth Nyström, epidemiology, 2003
Åke Nyström, hand surgery, 1992
Ulf Näslund, medicine, 1997
Bo Odén, surgery, 1961
Rolf Ohlsson, tumor biology, 1986
Per-Arne Oldenborg, histology and cell biology, 2003
Gunilla Olivecrona, medical and physiological biochemistry, 1982
Magnus Olivecrona, neurosurgery, 2013
Anders Olofsson, medical biochemistry, 2019
Bert-Ove Olofsson, medicine, 1985
Birgitta Olofsson, orthogeriatric nursing, 2014
Jan I Olofsson, physiology, 1995 obstetrics and gynecology, 1999
Katarina Olofsson, otorhinolaryngology, with an orientation towards voice and speech disorders, 2014
Björn Olsen, infectious diseases, 1998
Jan Olsson, virology, 2021
Tommy Olsson, medicine, 1991
Lars Oreland, pharmacology, 1972
Jan Oscarsson, molecular biology, 2010
Julia Otten, internal medicine, 2022
Richard Palmqvist, pathology, 2003
Przemyslaw Paradowski, orthopedics, 2023
Ulrich von Pawel-Rammingen, molecular biology, 2007
Gunnar Paulin, orthodontics, 1993
Fatima Pedrosa-Domellöf, anatomy, 1996; ophthalmology, 2007
Hjördis Perris, medical psychology, 1984
Emma Persson, oncology, 2017
Lars-Åke Persson, pediatrics, 1990
Margareta Persson, reproductive and perinatal health, 2019
Sven-Åke Persson, pharmacology, 1979
Solveig Persson-Sjögren, histology and cell biology, 2005
Albert Peteris, physiology, 1989
Solveig Petersen, epidemiology and public health, 2015
Ulrika Pettersson Kymmer, medicine, 2011
Erik Pihl, pathology, 1968
Gunnar Pohl, medical and physiological chemistry, 1992
Franz Probst, radiological diagnostics, 1974
Andrea Puhar, infection biology, 2023
Sara Pudas, cognitive neuroscience, 2020
Anni-Maria Pulkki Brännström, global health
Olev Rais, surgery, 1963
Maria Ransjö, oral cell biology, 1992
Solbritt Rantapää Dahlqvist, rheumatology, 1989
Birgit Holritz Rasmussen, nursing, 2006
Torgny Rasmuson, oncology, 1993
Börje Rehn, physiotherapy, 2011
Sebastian Reiz, anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, 1980
Silvia Remeseiro, molecular medicine, 2025
Linda Richter Sundberg, public health, 2023
Anders Ringnér, nursing, 2022
Katrine Åhlström Riklund, diagnostic radiology, 1998
Ivar Ringqvist, clinical physiology, 1972
Joacim Rocklöv, epidemiology, 2013
Olov Rolandsson, family medicine/general practice, 2005
Göran Roos, pathology, 1982
Pål Rooth, histology and cell biology, 1997
Erik Rosendahl, physiotherapy, 2011
Jörgen Rutegård, surgery, 1994
Erik Ruuth, cell and molecular biology, 2001
Mats Ryberg, internal medicine, 2017
Annika Rydberg, pediatrics, 2008
Anders Rydh, diagnostic radiology, 2009
Jan Rydnert, obstetrics and gynecology, 1987
Eva Rylander-Thorson, obstetrics and gynecology, 1977
Eva Rönmark, pulmonary medicine, 2008
Birgit Rösblad, physiotherapy, 2004
Nasim Sabouri, medical chemistry, 2019
Alireza Salami, neuroscience, 2022
Ellinor Salander Renberg, medical psychology, 2005
Pär Salander, psychosocial oncology, 2001
Bengt Salén, otorhinolaryngology, 1969
Jonatan Salzer, neurology, 2019
Eva Samuelsson, family medicine/general practice, 2006
Gösta Samuelsson, pediatrics, 1971
Miguel San Sebastian, global health, 2008
Camilla Sandberg, physiotherapy, 2021
Anna Sandin, pediatrics, 2019
Ola Sandgren, ophthalmology, 1995
Marlene Sandlund, physiotherapy, 2020
Mikael Sandlund, psychiatry, 2002
P O Sandman, nursing, 1995
Björn Sandström, experimental clinical chemistry, 1997
Bo Sandström, obstetrics and gynecology, 1973
Gunnar Sandström, defense medicine microbiology, 1993
Herbert Sandström, family medicine/general practice, 2005
Monica Sandström, experimental environmental medicine, 2006
Olof Sandström, pediatrics, 2014
Thomas Sandström, pulmonary medicine, 1991
Anita Sandström-Holmgren, epidemiology and public health, 1997
Axel Sandvig, physical medicine and rehabilitation, 2021
Regina Santamäki Fischer, nursing, 2015
Arkan S. Sayed-Noor, orthopedics, 2013
Marcus Schmitt-Egenolf, dermatology and venereology, 2007
Bo von Schoultz, obstetrics and gynecology, 1974
Björn Schröder, molecular biology, 2024
Barbara Schumann, epidemiology and public health, 2017
Yuri Schwartz, genetics, 2016
Jan Schönebeck, genitourinary surgery
Janove Sehlin, histology, 1972
Åke Sellström, histology and cell biology, 1981
Henrik Semb, medical molecular biology, 1997
Charles Sentman, molecular immunology, 1997
Bo Settergren, infectious diseases, 1992
Amir Sherif, andrology and urology, 2014
Pascalis Sideras, molecular immunology, 1992
Sören Sigvardsson, behavioral genetics, 1985
Herbert Silfvenius, physiology, 1972; neurosurgery, 1982
Sven-Arne Silfverdal, pediatrics, 2012
Basel Sitohy, oncology, 2020
Barbara Sixt, infection biology, 2024
Anders Själander, internal medicine, 2008
Inga Sjöberg, obstetrics and gynecology, 2003
Rickard Sjöberg, neurosurgery, 2016
Kotryna Simonyté Sjödin, molecular medicine, 2023
Göran Sjögren, dental material science, 2001
Harmeet Sjögren, applied forensic medicine, 2001
Kerstin Sjögren, rehabilitation, especially sexology, 1985
Maria Sjölander, pharmacy, 2019
Per Sjölander, experimental sports medicine, 2001
Anders Sjöstedt, infectious immunology, 1995
Mats Sjöström, oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2021
Michael Sjöström, anatomy, 1976 neurology, 1982
Rita Sjöström, physiotherapy, 2019
Lisbeth Slunga-Järvholm (tid. Birgander), occupational and environmental medicine, 2008
Peter Sojka, physiology, 1989
Odd Spandow, otorhinolaryngology, 1996
Eva-Lena Stattin, clinical genetics, 2012
Pär Stattin, andrology and urology, 2001
Christina Stecksén-Blicks, pediatric dentistry, 2004
Lars Steen, medicine, 1986
Gunilla Stenberg, physiotherapy, 2022
Bernd Stegmayr, medicine, 1988
Birgitta Stegmayr, experimental medicine, 2000
Berndt Stenberg, dermatology and venereology, 2001
Ulf Stendahl, gynecologic oncology, 1984
Lars-Erik Stenfors, otorhinolaryngology, 1982
Nikolai Stenfors, pulmonary medicine, 2015
Hans Stenlund, epidemiology and biostatistics, 2006
Ann-Katrin Stensdotter, physiotherapy, 2014
Anders Stenström, pharmacology, 1990
Sten Stenström, plastic surgery, 1960
Torgny Stigbrand, medical biochemistry, 1971
Nils Stjernberg, pulmonary medicine, 1991
Albin Stjernbrandt, occupational and environmental science, 2023
Tage Strand, internal medicine, 1993
Gunilla Strandberg, nursing, 2008
Caroline Stridsman, pulmonary medicine, 2020
Karin Strigård, surgery, 2014
Göran Struwe, psychiatry, 1982
Johan Styrke, urology, 2021
Britt-Marie Stålnacke, physical medicine and rehabilitation, 2010
Svenja Stöven, molecular biology, 2007
Per Stål, anatomy, 2003
Ole Suhr, medicine, 1996
Malin Sund, experimental surgery, 2009
Gunnevi Sundelin, physiotherapy, 1999
Sun Sun, public health science, 2023
Karin Sundin, nursing, 2010
Björn Sundström, rheumatology, 2019
Nina Sundström, biomedical engineering, 2017
Peter Sundström, neurology, 2011
Inger Sundström Poromaa, obstetrics and gynecology, 2003
Karin Sunnegård-Grönberg, dental science, with an orientation towards cariology, 2015
Anna-Lena Sunesson, experimental occupational and environmental medicine, 2006
Maria Svensson, medicine, 2007
Michael Svensson, sports medicine, 2021
Nils-Erik Säterborg, radiotherapy with tumor diagnostics, 1973
Lars Sävenberg, pediatrics, 1997
Stefan Söderberg, cardiology, 2005
Ove Söderberg, otorhinolaryngologi, 1989
Anna Södergren, reumatology, 2021
Lars Söderhjelm, pediatrics, 1959
Ann Sörlin, physiotherapy, 2021
Krister Tano, otorhinolaryngologi, 2018
Ylverton Tegner, sports medicine, 1992
Dag Teien, clinical physiology, 1989
Redda Tekle-Haimanot, neurology, 1992
Britt-Marie Ternestedt, nursing, 2001
Kersti Thodenius, pediatrics, 1978
William Thorburn, ophthalmology, 1973
Anne-Marie Thorn-Alquist, anesthesiology, 1974
Lars-Eric Thornell, anatomy, 1974
Jan Thorson, hygiene, especially accident research, 1975
Kim Thorson, sports medicine/orthopedics, 1999
Carl-Axel Thulin, neurosurgery, 1969
Gunnar Tiger, pharmacology, 1998
Iwor Tittawella, molecular parasitology, 1995
Radisa Tomic, genitourinary surgery, 1989
Göran Toolanen, orthopedics, 1994
Annika Toots, physiotherapy, 2023
Birger Trollfors, infectious diseases, 1982
Håkan Truedsson, surgery, 1984
Mats Trulsson, oral physiology, 1998
Miles Trupp, experimental neuroscience, 2017
Simon Tuck, molecular biology, 2000
Sahruh Turkmen, obstetrics and gynecology, 2015
Inge-Bert Täljedal, histology, 1967
Göran Törnqvist, experimental ophthalmology, 1969
Bernt Eric Uhlin, medical microbiology, 1984
Constantin Urban, molecular infectious disease medicine, 2013
Ana Virel, histology with cell biology, 2023
Karin Wadell, physiotherapy, 2013
Anders Wahlin, internal medicine, 1980
Torkel Wahlin, pathology, 1979
Ylva-Britt Wahlin, oral medicine, 2002
Jens Wahlström, occupational- and environmental medicine, 2012
Sun Nyunt Wai, medical microbiology, 2004
Stig Wall, epidemiology and biostatistics, 1979
Åke Vallbo, physiology, 1969
Jakob Walldén, anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, 2022
Milan Valverius, forensic medicine, 1978
Johannes van den Berg, neonatology/neonatal nursing, 2017
Mingde Wang, exp. obstetrics and gynecology, 2004; obstetrics and gynecology, 2008
Paulina Wanrooij, medical chemistry, 2022
Sjoerd Wanrooij, medicial chemistry, 2024
Lars Weinehall, epidemiology and publich health, 2002
Patrik Wennberg, family medicine/general practice, 2017
Ursula Werneke, psychiatry, 2011
Mårten Werner, internal medicine, 2019
Christina West, pediatrics, 2014
Kurt West, neurosurgery, 1972
Karl-Gunnar Westberg, physiology, 2001
Per Wester, experimental medicine, 1990
Peter Westerholm, occupational hygiene epidemiology, 1981
Per Westling, radiotherapy, 1966
Anton Westman, disaster medicine, 2020
Göran Westman, family medicine/general practice, 1991
Agne Wiberg, otorhinolaryngology, 1972
Åsa Wiberg, pharmacology, 1983
Göran Wickman, radiation physics, 1993
Micael Widerström, infectious diseases, 2016
Anders Widmark, oncology, 1995
Maria Wiklund, physiotherapy, 2018
Urban Wiklund, medical technology, 2005
Pernilla Wikström, tumor biology, 2008
Jonna Wilén, radiation physics, 2013
Sara Wilson, neuronal developmental biology, 2017
Björn Wiman, medical biochemistry, 1974
Anders Wimo, family medicine/general practice, 1995
Anna Winberg, pediatrics, 2024
Bengt Winblad, pathology, 1977
Anna Winqvist, public health, 1998
Staffan Wirell, diagnostic radiology, 1987
Johan Wiström, infectious diseases, 1999
Marianne Wulff, obstetrics and gynecology, 2006
Anders Wåhlin, biomedical engineering, 2019
Solveig Wållberg Jonsson, rheumatology, 2004
Lennart Wählby, surgery, 1981
Anders Wänman, clinical oral physiology, 2005
Ji-Guo Yu, sports medicine, 2014
Björn Zackrisson, oncology, 1995
John-Erik Zakrisson, audiology, 1975
Torkel Åberg, cardiothoracic surgery, 1991
Per Åstrand, oral and maxillofacial surgery, 1974
Monica Åström, psychiatry, 2003
Sture Åström, nursing, 2003
Ellinor Ädelroth, pulmonary medicine, 1996
Karl-Axel Ängquist, surgery, 1981
Fredrik Öhberg, medical technology, 2015
Daniel Öhlund, oncology, 2024
Anders Öhman, exp. neuroscience, 2013
Ann Öhman, public health, 2005
Mikael Öman, surgery, 2012
Yngve Östberg, otorhinolaryngology, 1976
Mats Öström, applied forensic medicine, 1996
Anna Överby Wernstedt, virology, 2014