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Image: Malin Grönborg

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities

We teach and conduct research in the fields of language, religion, history, archaeology, philosophy, history of ideas, art, literature, ethnology, media and culture.


Read more about the research conducted at departments and units and about research infrastructures.


The Faculty offers 13 undergraduate and 5 master's programmes and a wide selection of freestanding courses.


Erik Elmroth
100 world-leading experts discussed the future of cloud computing

ADS Lab is a hub for international expertise in distributed systems.

Bild på bakterieodling
New Group Leaders joining infection research at Umeå University

MIMS welcomes Ryo Morimoto and Iker Valle Aramburu as new Group Leaders!

Image of Mirai logotype
SEK 10 million in strategic funding to MIRAI

Researchers from Sweden and Japan will work in interdisciplinary teams focusing on global challenges.

Rickard Lindberg och Annakarin Nyberg utanför Samhällsvetarhuset
Become a mentor for one of USBE’s students

Register your interest in acting as a mentor for our students.

Studenter samtalar runt bord
National school for cancer research to be started in Umeå

In spring 2025 Umeå University will start a new cancer research school that is unique in Sweden.

Studentambassadörer för utbytesstudier vid Umeå universitet
Student ambassadors for exchange studies wanted

Do you want to share your experiences of studying or practicing abroad? Apply to be a student ambassador!