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Image: Malin Grönborg

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities

We teach and conduct research in the fields of language, religion, history, archaeology, philosophy, history of ideas, art, literature, ethnology, media and culture.


Read more about the research conducted at departments and units and about research infrastructures.


The Faculty offers 13 undergraduate and 5 master's programmes and a wide selection of freestanding courses.


En man som håller en presentation för en grupp människor
CFO network visit on campus

Global CEO survey and public procurement were on the agenda.

Fyra personer står och håller i sina skidor och ler. Två av dom är utklädda till gröna dinosaurier.
KBC Relay 2025 - A new team in town, and amazing costumes

The yearly KBC Relay took place again, with colourful costumes and competition from SLU's students

Call for Proposal: Apply for support to develop your idea in Life Science, health, care, and welfare

Apply for funding to investigate whether your idea creates value for the organization, patients, or users.

Illustrerad bild av många människor i olika studiesituationer i humanisthuset
Language Programme to promote internationalisation and participation

The Language Programme for staff includes varied activities: courses, language cafés, and operational support.

Porträttbild Niklas Eklund
The Professor took over as Director of the European CBRNE Center

Niklas Eklund took over as Director of the European CBRNE Center at the beginning of the year.

People around a table
Canada’s new Arctic Foreign Policy presented at Umeå University

Canadian Ambassador to Sweden, Jason LaTorre presented Canada’s newly launched Arctic Foreign Policy (AFP).