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You and me(chanical) robot

Time Friday 10 November, 2023 at 09:15 - 11:00
Place Zooom - registration required

You and me(chanical) robot. Understanding possible futures with AI

Karin Danielsson, Humlab

Is AI-design aiming for good? Will we, by design of new technologies, be able to create a better future, for humans and others (animals, nature and so forth)? Are we facing an AI takeover, will humans be replaced? To address these issues, we need to understand what perspectives we can include when we try to outline our possible futures. Post-human perspectives move beyond humanism and can be explored from several disciplines. Originating from a philosophical and critical perspective, this seminar will give an example of how introspection method can be used to explore an understanding of human relationship to robots, today and in a near future. 

The first hour of this seminar will cover perspectives, understandings, preferences, and relationships that humans have to AI and/or robotic system(s). Thereafter, we will have a discussion originating from our different disciplines to discuss what kind of futures can we outline together?



We ask you to bring an example reference from popular culture (movie, literature, TV-series, comics, games etc) with a narrative on humans’ relationship to AI-system/AI-robot. It can be utopia, dystopia, or both. You are also expected to explain the ontology and epistemology you reply on, from the perspective of your discipline. 



Karin Danielsson is director of Humlab and docent/associate professor in Informatics at Umea University. Her research focuses on focus on co-creative and participatory methods during design and evaluation of digital materials, for instance AI and co-creative design. 


Organiser: Humlab
Event type: Seminar
Staff photo Karin Danielsson
Karin Danielsson
Other position, associate professor
Read about Karin Danielsson
Coppelie Cocq
Read about Coppelie Cocq
Jon Svensson
Read about Jon Svensson
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