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When is a planar rod configuration infinitesimally rigid?

Time Thursday 3 February, 2022 at 15:15 - 16:00
Place Zoom

A rod configuration is a realisation of an incidence geometry as points and lines in the Euclidean plane. In this talk, we will introduce notions of rigidity for rod configurations and discuss approaches for determining whether a given rod configuration is infinitesimally rigid. We will generalise a result due to Whiteley.

Rod configurations generalise frameworks of graphs. Rigidity of graphs is well-studied. There is a combinatorial characterisation of the minimally rigid graphs, due to Pollaczek-Geiringer (1927) and later Laman (1970).

To receive the Zoom link, please contact: Klara Stokes

Event type: Seminar
Signe Lundqvist
Doctoral student
Read about Signe Lundqvist
Klara Stokes
Read about Klara Stokes