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What we learned from data-driven studies in preterm infants

Time Friday 24 March, 2023 at 12:00 - 13:00
Place ZOOM

Wen Zhong, DDLS fellow at SciLifeLab and Linköping University with a research focus on integrative multi-omics in precision medicine and diagnostics.

The rise of high throughput molecular technologies has shed light on the development of next-generation molecular diagnostics and biomarkers for patient stratifications in the precision medicine era. There is an urgent need to develop new systematic tools to combine multi-omics data and link genotype to phenotype to expand our knowledge of complex traits of human diseases.

Our research group mainly focuses on the integration of multi-omics, the interplay between genetics and phenotypes, and the development of data-driven strategies/tools for precision medicine. The aim is to investigate the molecular biomarkers for the estimation of disease risks, early diagnosis of disease, stratification of drug treatment response, disease progression monitoring and the stratification of patients.

To enable these projects, we develop and optimize trustworthy AI tools to facilitate the utilization of data-driven systems medicine and inform precision medicine-based decision support.

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Organiser: Faculty of Medicine
Event type: Seminar

Wen Zhong, Assistant professor at the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences at Linköping university.

Anna Lundberg
Read about Anna Lundberg