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UTRI Lunch-pitch Green societies – green knowledge?

Time Tuesday 22 March, 2022 at 12:00 - 13:00
Place Samhällsvetarhuset, S305-flex

In this UTRI lunch pitch, we reflect on how and through what means we create knowledge for the ‘greening of society’. We are a three UTRI researchers with humanistic profiles from Umeå University and Luleå University of Technology. In this seminar, we briefly present our work-in-progress on a research proposal with the title ‘Colliding forms of “green” knowledge - Sustainability in northern Sweden (and beyond) at the edge of an industrial revolution’.

We approach sustainability both as a cultural and material phenomenon, and understandings of sustainability as ways of forming and restructuring society. In this lunch pitch, we would like to spark a discussion with UTRI researchers around the following questions: How is green knowledge for sustainability introduced, co-produced and used in northern Sweden, by whom, and why?

We invite researchers from all disciplines to join this lunch pitch!

The registration is now closed. You can still participate but in that case, you need to take lunch with you. Send an e-mail to Kristina Lindblom that you will join.

Event type: Workshop
Staff photo Janina Priebe
Janina Priebe
Associate professor
Read about Janina Priebe
Staff photo Erland Mårald
Erland Mårald
Read about Erland Mårald
Kristina Lindblom
Read about Kristina Lindblom