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Using survey and register data in research

Time Wednesday 13 September, 2023 at 10:00 - 12:00
Place BET.F.108, Beteendevetarhuset

Welcome to a seminar on using survey and register data in research on living conditions, working life, welfare, health and sickness absence, organised by the research infrastructure REWHARD.

The programme includes presentations of the longitudinal data and services that REWHARD can offer researchers through the nodes SLOSH, LNU, IMAS and STODS.

The seminar is open to researchers and doctoral students interested in using survey and register data in their research. The seminar is planned to be in Swedish, but can be held in English if needed.

We will offer fika (coffee and tea) during the seminar, so please register no later than 6 September on the registration site:

/ Hugo Westerlund and Beatrice Chaveroche, REWHARD


Read more
REHWARD https://www.su.se/rewhard/english/
Hugo Westerlund https://www.su.se/english/profiles/hwest-1.185236

Event type: Seminar
Maria Nordin
Read about Maria Nordin