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UmArts Symposium: Centring Arts Research

Time Wednesday 10 November, 2021 at 09:30 - 15:30
Place Umeå School of Architecture, Arts Campus, Umeå University

How do we support knowledge producing practices across the arts, design and architecture within, and in partnership with, university research structures? How can we rethink and expand the idea of the Arts Research Centre? What are the key questions and themes for artistic research today? 

Interdisciplinary Arts Research Centres are setting up new infrastructures for supporting and developing practice-based research in the visual arts, design, and architecture; and between the arts, humanities and sciences. This symposium will bring together different approaches to forming Art Research Centres across Europe to consider the opportunities to support critically engaged practice through academic research agendas. We will consider how these research infrastructures are built through partnerships between artists, academia and contemporary art spaces, to enable many forms of dissemination and impact from social engagement, publishing and exhibition making. 

Read more and the see the full programme. 



Morning session (9:30 -12)
Afternoon Session '(12:00 - 15:30)

Prior to the afternoon session there will be a sandwich lunch for those attending. Lunch will be served outside the UMA Auditorium at 12:00. Please state your dietary requirements below. 


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Organiser: UmArts
Event type: Conference
Jon Svensson
Read about Jon Svensson
Eleanor Carpenter
Read about Eleanor Carpenter