At UID22, the next generation of designers will uncover concepts covering a wide range of topics; from AI in autonomous vehicles, to playful therapies for children, to a device for managing your crypto assets.
Step into the future as budding designers from around the globe share their visions for a different, and better, tomorrow. On May 31st, graduating students presented their grad projects during UID22 | Design Talks & Degree Show. The event saw students give bite-size talks on stage, showcasing their projects via 3D models and digital visualisations. The public exhibition on June 4 allows visitors to speak to students and further explore their visions through physical models, graphic posters and video expositions.
"We are really looking forward to welcoming as many people as possible form Umeå, and seeing our students pitching their outstanding design concepts in real life again. It's an especially joyous occasion since many of the graduates themselves endured a global pandemic during most of their studies at the school", says Demian Horst, Head of Institute.