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Umeå Arctic Seminar: Establishing a Sámi Health Network

Time Tuesday 15 November, 2022 at 12:00 - 13:00
Place Triple Helix, the University Management Building

The Arctic Centre introduces Miguel San Sebastián, Professor of Public Health and Arctic Five Chair in Sámi Health. He presents the work with establishing a network for Sámi Health.

In this Arctic seminar he will present his plans to

  1. Identify Sámi health research and education needs
  2. Address them through improved strategic partnership within the context of the Arctic Five universities.

Discussion partner
Lars Lacobsson, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Clinical Sciences.

Miguel San Sebastián is one of twenty Arctic Five Chairs – four scholars from each university.

His project as Arctic Five Chair aims to build improved strategic partnerships between Sámi health researchers at the Arctic Five universities in Sweden, Norway and Finland, support increased collaboration with Sámi civil society and health care providers and facilitate links with broader, international network of Indigenous health researcher and educators.

The Arctic Five is a partnership between five universities in the northernmost parts of Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

The Arctic Five network aims to advance and share knowledge, develop education, and create innovations for the advancement of our region and a sustainable Arctic.

Link for remote participants

Join the seminar via Zoom


Register by 11 november at the latest for a free vegan lunch sandwich.

Registration form

Event type: Seminar
Staff photo Miguel San Sebastian
Miguel San Sebastian
Read about Miguel San Sebastian
Lena Maria Nilsson
Read about Lena Maria Nilsson